Evangelism :)

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February 17th 2011
Published: February 17th 2011
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Hey devoted readers!

Here is what I learnt this week on Evangelism!

*The core of evangelism is inviting people into family, God's family. God wants everyone to be part of His family.
Evangelism is focused on relationship, God so loved the world that He sent His only son so that the price of our rebellion could be paid and we could enter back into relationship with the God who created us as valuable, in His own image. Our value can be seen by the way Jesus had to die...each proscribed punishment of a law displays the value of the thing it protects...Jesus died in the most painful way, on a cross after rejection from His friends and followers and humiliation through beating, jeering and generally being grossly mistreated.
The 10 commandments are boundaries established so that relationships would be protected. The first four are to protect our relationship with God and the other six are to protect our relationship with other people.
Through accepting Jesus into our life we have:
-Adoption through redemption
-Heirs with Christ
-We will be glorified with Him

*The thing of most value we have to offer is a life giving message - the gospel. If you befriend someone to share the gospel it is not a bad thing as you are wanting to share the most valuable thing in your life and you are loving them enough to tell them about Jesus. It would be like being an owner of a BMW dealership and befriending them so you could bless them with a car.

Keys to evangelism:
*Use your eyes: both physical and spiritual, looking for the hurt + wounded to bring the good news to them
*Good Samaritan principal: Love your neighbour as yourself, demonstrate practical love + help, cross cultural boundaries, use the resources God has blessed us with including time and money.
*Be enthusiastic: who God is to will be the flavour of your evangelism, enthusiasm comes from inspiration/intimacy with God, enthusiam grows as God motivates us through the Holy Spirit
*Thankfulness: through thankfulness we are placed into a position of positivity and faith
*K.I.S.S. (keep it simple and straightforward) i.e. God loves you and wants a relationship with you. If your message is too complex the other person won't understand it and the message will be lost.
*Be friendly - (Rom 2:4) loving kindness brings people to repentence - need to reflect God's attitude of acceptance
*Learn to listen - we learn of others hurt through listening and through listening to a person it shows that we care for that person
*Body language
*Witness in boldness - DO NOT BE ASHAMED OF THE GOSPEL
*Love conquers all

There are multiple goals of evangelism, the main one being to lead people to Christ. The other ones all play a part in this:
-To represent the character of God in our witness
-To move people closer to God
-To provide an opportunity for people to experience a touch from God e.g. through praying for healing, drawing attention to how God is working in their life etc.

Jesus came to correct the wrong image of God which was built up by the enemy (satan + rebellion with God). As Christians ('little Christs') we are to do the same, testify and reflect the character of God.

One thing that really stuck out to me during the lectures was how heaven and hell really shouldn't be used as a basis or focus when evangelising as the focus then turns to the person and their desire to escape a bad situation and move into a good situation.
Hell was prepared for the devil and fallen angels, God did not create it with people in mind
He wants everyone to enter into a relationship with Him, however people do not accept Him as saviour and continue to reject Him for the rest of their life they are like the devil and the fallen angels - rebellious. God is not going to want a person with Him for eternity if they chose to reject Him for their life here on earth.


It wasn't our sin that kept Jesus on the cross but the love He has for us

Jesus came to:
-Testify the truth
-Destroy the work and plans of the devil
-Give abundant life
--> we are mini Christs and are on this earth to do the same thing. God dwells within us therefore we are an agent of destruction (destroying the plans and work of the devil) and agent of blessing and restoration (bringing others back into relationship with God and demonstrating God's love to people).
Jesus has given us the Holy Spirit to carry on His ministry.

Phew so there are some of the things that have really stuck out to me this week! Hope you benefitted from them! if you have any questions please let me know!

Have a great weekend!

Peace out 😊


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