Conked Out

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August 24th 2007
Published: November 15th 2007
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The Pajero Before Going Pop..The Pajero Before Going Pop..The Pajero Before Going Pop..

Damn Thing Cost Us 4g's
After a glorius full helping of 5 months at the OFS it was finally time to up and leave but not before one last full on session with the brady bunch..!! A trip to Margaret River for a night was arranged with a group of around 20 in a 4 car covoy headed off saturday morning for one last mad one..!! Unfortunetly tho our lovely pejero didn't quite have the minerals and couldn't cut the mustard.. so after about 350k's into the 400k journey down there she decided enough was enough and broke down in a mad fury of catastropic engine failure..!!

So around 4 days before our planned road trip up North the car brake's down at Busselton in an all typical fashion. After a few... F*ck, S*it, & B*ll*cks later we had to call the RAC and get it towed and then find a garage on the Monday to ave a look at her but all was lost... A replacement engine estimated at $4-5k was the price we originally paid for it so it was a sad return to the OFS via the BUS.

We tried not to worry tho and let the house party at Margaret
The VenueThe VenueThe Venue

We Managed To Rent This 5 Bed House For Around 200 Dollars for a night between 20 of us..!!
River take a load off our mind and it did the job we had a great night.

A few days and three hundred bucks later we called a sub from the bench in the shape of an Orangy Rusty Red Ford Falcon..!! She's not quite as pretty and not quite as roomy as the pejero, it leaks water ever so slightly and only one front door opens (barley). However... she's got what we call character or personality and the engine works fine which beats the pejero hands down. We will get out of the OFS after all...

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