The Most Mantastic Bucks Night in Perth for Jason's Wedding

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November 7th 2014
Published: November 8th 2014
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I love a great night out as much as the next guy, so when I heard that my good buddy, Jason, from college was finally tying the knot with his long-time girlfriend, Tammy, I was ready for the bucks night challenge. Jason and I had been close ever since we pre-gamed for a big football together as juniors in college. We met on the morning of the game and hung out all through the day. That weekend was one of the best weekends of my life. We partied all night long and into the morning, and I certainly felt it that Monday in class. Ever since college, we have been in touch. I go to visit him in Perth, Australia where he lives with Tammy, and he comes to New York to visit me sometimes. We’re still great buds whether we’re talking on Skype or sending each other funny Facebook memes. I was honored that he asked me to be his best man.I was so psyched for his bucks night too. I knew it had to happen in Perth . New York is obviously a great city with an awesome night life, and I love living there, but I love Perth just as much. A lot of people from the states have no idea how awesome Perth is when the sun goes down. It has amazing bars, clubs and cafes, and it’s right on the water, so there are even booze cruises you can go on. It’s awesome to visit as a tourist.I flew to Perth on a Thursday morning, and even though I had jet lag, we went out that night. It was amazing. I wanted a little taste of Perth clubbing, so we went and saw some strippers at a nearby strip joint. It was amazing, and we finally got back to his friend’s apartment and crashed at about 5am the next morning. But that was just Thursday night. Friday night was the real bucks night. I had planned it with a few of his Australian buddies while I was still back in the states. We started out at his apartment. I had hired some topless barmaids from Cover Girl to come by and serve us drinks while we hung out there. We went out at around 9pm and caught an amazing meal right on the water in Perth. I had this awesome seafood dish, and everyone had a great time. Afterward, it was time for a few more strippers. We headed to this bar I had heard about that has topless waitresses, and we drank about a gallon each in liquor before starting back up again at a nearby cafe. We met these amazing girls from Japan. They were there having a bachelorette party for one of the girls. It was a getaway bachelorette party. Another of the girls had visited Perth as a college student and loved it. She wanted to bring her friends there for the big bachelorette night. We partied together. There were five guys making up our bucks night, and they had five girls in their party, so it was perfect. At the end of the next morning, we were all so wasted that we could hardly see. But in the end, it was totally worth it!


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