Adelaide to Perth

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July 14th 2008
Published: July 14th 2008
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hi all,
phew! well its been another week and again a heck of a lot has happened in the last week! it already feels like the trip started sooooo long ago and we are only on week 2!
so after Adelaide and the eventful wine tasting and wale watching we headed off on day 8 for a slightly shorter bus journey of about 5 hours and arrived at Mount Remarkablev to set up camp which was really exciting because we were completely in the middle of nowhere and it wasn't a proper campsite like all the other camping nights had been, this was just a segregated area at the bottom of mount remarkable where we could set up camp with wild emus strolling around investigating the tents which was quite funny! after setting up tents we hiked to the top of the mountain and along the way saw loads of kangaroos which was amazing and the views from the top were awesome - just as the sun was going down so the sky looked really pretty! we just about managed to get to the bottom and back to camp as it got dark and unfortunately, it was my groups first turn to cook dinner for the group! uh-oh! so the gas stoves were set up with gas lamps and torches so we could just about see what we were doing! and also, by this time it was freeeeeeezing cold so we could hardly feel our fingers - but dinner was a success in the end and then we all sat around the camp fire drinking beers and toasting marshmallows! aah!
next morning we headed off at 6.30am (after dragging myself to the shower block, which was in complete darkness and there was no warm water so that was a fun start to the day)! i had to shower holding my pink lantern in my teeth! fun times eh! So day 9 we were on our way and stopped off for a hike to the top of mount wudina which again had fantastic views and then we picnicked for lunch at the bottom and hit the road again for another long journey. After a few gas station stops and travelling on a road full of nothign for about 5 hours it started to get dark so we pulled up at the side of the road for our first bush camp! which was sooooooo exciting - very difficult setting tents up in the pitch black though and not really knowing what we are laying our tents on but we are pretty much used to that by now (we are gettin quicker and quicker at setting up tents)! again the night was filled by sitting round the camp fire toasting marshmallows and getting pretty wasted on goon! (it helps though coz we dont feel the cold as much when we pass out in our tents lol)!
Day 10 we had another early start and crossed the border to Western Australia. today was my day to be navigtor in the front seat of the bus and with this comes the rule of wearing some of the hideaous head gear provided by bocky - i of course chose the pink bunny ears and the guys at quarantine found it highly amusing checking a bunny girl through! we travelled along the longest straight road in the whole of australia with a whole lot of nothing either side - i was trying to spot kangaroos and camels (?! - i still dont' believe it) but unfortunately we only saw road kill - sob sob! finally arrived at the next campsite for a nice hot shower mmm! - oh and more drinks just to warm our cockles! next morning though, as i was getting out of my tent to go and have a shower i had the shock of my life when i saw a little kangaroo sat by our camping table! i had to rub my eyes a couple of times and actually thought i was hallucinating but he was real and he wast tame enough for me to go up and stroke him which was amazing! unfortunately i didn't have my camera to hand though doh! but it was an awesome experience!
We arrived in Esperance on Day 11 not really al lot to do here just a small little village but it had a beautiful beach so we went down there after setting up camp for a game of frisby! oh and i bought an amazing pair of ugg boots! (and no, they are not pink unfortunately)!
Day 12 it was back on the road to head to Albany - the weather was very very cold and rainy so we were not very happy bunnies but when we finally arrived at the campsite the weather was even worse and we were informed that the town had been hit by a huge storm with 100mile an hour winds, flooding and a power cut! great! so we killed a bit of time by driving around looking at a few lookout spots and even braved it down to the blow holes on the coast where we nearly got blown away! when the weather finally died down it was back to the campsite to set up tents in the slushy ground and pitch darkness! lovely! (im sure this isn't what i signed up to do - where's the sun damn it)! but we still managed to have a laff and a few well deserved glasses of goon afterwards were even more appreciated ha ha!
Day 13 weather had perked up but unfortunately due to the storm the previous day we were not able to go and visit the valley of the giants as it was closed off due to fallen branches and trees so we carried on along the road and by this time the sun came out and it had warmed up loads so we managed to stop off at the Bicentinnial Tree for a climb! and how scary! I managed to climb to the over half way platform which ws 130 feet high - which i was very proud of - bearing in mind we had to do it with no safety guideropes - just walking up metal bars that were sticking out of the tree! but then i was gutted when i realised there was no zip wire to come down on - we had to climb back down the rungs backwards! great! but i was very proud of myself for doing it and it was a great experience although i had to get one of the other guys to take a piccie for me over the edge of the platform coz i couldnt' look down he he!
Day 14 we finally arrived in Perth around lunchtime and checked into the hostel (aaaah a nice bed at last)! we spent the afternoon exploring the city and doing a spot of shopping - retail therapy was definately in order after being out in the middle of nowhere for the last few days so its quite nice to be back in civilisation now! We are heading to Cervantes on Monday fopr some hiking which again will be back to camping for another 10 nights but im getting very used to the camping and am really loving it! especially now i have bought a pink blanket, pink slippers, extra pj's and a hot water bottle and pink hat to keep me a bit warmer at night he he! The weather has really picked up now so as we head further north now it will get much better so we are all looking forward to catching some rays!
hope all is well back home, it will probably be another 10 days or so before i can log onto tinternet again so sorry if i haven't had chance to reply to your emails but thanks again for all your messages love you and miss you all
lots of love
smartie xxxx
PS: I have been unable to upload fotos on this computer as it doesn't have the correct software installed argh how frustrating! will try another computer if I can!


14th July 2008

Hi Hun, what's that all about you shopping?? you dont like shopping haha!! the weather is picking up hopefully ready for me to be able to enjoy the sun in september! sounds like your still enjoying yourself hun! so what does goon really taste like, is it vinegar?? lol shame you couldnt get pics on but at least we have something to look forward to on your next blog! hope you got the little video i sent you! Missing you loads and feels like you have been away longer than 2 weeks! stay safe and keep warm! Anna xxxx
14th July 2008

What can I say but your trip sounds fantastic!! Ah bless a baby kangaroo outside your tent - how sweet!!! Well done on managing to climb that high without a rope - is that legal!!?? LOL. Id prob have managed about 6ft! he he. It seems really strange without you here - very quiet and not nice! Missing you loads - Lau Longtoe! x x

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