Deadly Australia

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Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Augusta
September 3rd 2013
Published: September 3rd 2013
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If I could travel to any place in the world it would be Australia. I would like to travel there because I could see a lot of deadly animal like blue ringed octopus, great white shark, king cobra, boxed jellyfish, and many more. The most dangerous is the boxed jellyfish because it has killed over 9000 people a year.Another reason I would like to visit Australia is to see a kangaroo like in the movie kangaroo jack. Australia also has the most venom's animals in the world. Australia has like every type of snake. Almost everything in Australia is venom's . Even the mosquito are venom's. I would like to visit Australia because I would like to know if Australia is like in the movies. Being in a forest and in every corner there is a snake that can kill you. I wonder how it feels like to be under so much danger and being able to die in any second. This is why i would like to visit Australia.


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