soooon to be in Queensland!

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June 1st 2009
Published: June 1st 2009
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HOLA Familia and friends!

Here I am scrambling to fire off a quick update, as I get ready to pack my bags and head north for the winter!
Seriously... Today is the "offical" first day of winter here in the land of oz.. ( still in sandels...) and i'm getting ready to board a plane in 2 days to take off to QUEENSLAND! (home of the great barrier reef, gold coast.. etc etc) we will start our trip out on the GOLD COAST and from what I understand PARTTTTTYYYY Central! It's also sunny, humid and oh so beachy, so I'm stoked! we will be chillin' with my cousin, his wife and their lovely new golden retreiver puppy for a few days, then head down to New South Wales, where we will hopefully venture into hippy central of Byron Bay! hurrah!! A holiday within a holiday! How fun! Then back to melbourne of course to cap off our amazing trip away!

In the meantime, Kevin and I have been busy busy, working. Finally landing full time work has lead us to actually having money, and therefore been going out ( too often some weeks) with all the great friends that we've met here in Oz. Animal Orchestra ( my place of work) has been a haven of free flowing wine, conversation and a few very late nights. We're loving it however, and knowing that we only have 7 short weeks left, is somewhat disheartneing. boooo! However it has lead us to make so decisions regarding the FUTURE (dum dum dum dum!!) and we are now seriously considering moving to oz in a few years... Sounds a little crazy, but hey, when it's plus 16 in winter, and we're still on patios... hard to say no! However that is a ways off.. so i get back to the present.

we've also been filling our time by taking photos of Melbourne, as we'd love to actually show off the city that we now so fondly call our home, been enjoying potluck dinners with friends, and planning a wine, cheese and music appreication night for a couple of weeks from now.
Kevin has been working on a few different houses with landscaping, and is enjoying it, as he gets to be his own boss, and has definately developed a bit of a reputation in the suburbs. (seriously... he could work 8 days a week if it was allowed)

Other than that, we've started to plan our trip home, and impending wedding as well. funny to think we've been gone for such a significant amount of time, yet not long at all in the big picture of things.

however, since I'm strapped for time I'll sign off with a hug to each of you.
See you all very soon, and I'll update once back from the North!

love Shan and Kev


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