The Garden State

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January 15th 2008
Published: January 15th 2008
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Blown by the Apostles!Blown by the Apostles!Blown by the Apostles!

A windy day at the '12' Apostles, along the Great Ocean Road.
All the States in Australia have their own qualities and Victoria is known for its unpredictable weather. We drove past the Snowy Mountains and through plains of dried golden grass fields. We stopped at many small places, one being Armadale. This town is a modern, expensive and alternative place. We only had lunch here, but we liked the area. The organic supermarket and café reminded us of how Australia's awareness is quite different to England's. There are many organic farms, some biodynamic, and many alternative therapists. Victoria as a State, has the most alternative minded people.
Narana Creations is also worth mentioning. This Aboriginal Centre, just outside Geelong (on the Princes Highway) is amazing! There are Emus which you can pat (!), Dreamtime story-telling, boomerang and didgeridoo lessons and even courses on the Indigenous culture can be taken here. The place has a lovely vibe and is especially good for groups :D
Our next destination was the 12 Apostles, of which only 8 remain. These are a spectacular sight! The limestone and sandstone cliffs have been gnawed away by time, leaving some large rock formations in the foamy sea (foam was blown up on the cliffs!). Many shipwrecks happened here, which is not surprising when you see the treacherous crashing waves. Stories of catastrophes and heroes line the Great Ocean Road. It was also very windy, even cold at times!

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Hidden faceHidden face
Hidden face

Can you spot it?
London bridgeLondon bridge
London bridge

Which did fall down, trapping a couple who were having an affair, caught on camera and local TV. They legged it as soon as the helicopter rescued them... lol.

15th January 2008

hallo lieve familie, zo, voor ons is het ook bijna zover. we hebben genoten van de weblog. zo konden we toch een beetje meegenieten. nog 2 nachten en dan vertrekken wij naar jamaica. we hopen daar ook echt te genieten van de zon, zee en de reggea. we spreken elkaar na 25 januari. dat zal wel een lang telefoontje worden. heel veel liefs van monique en joke.

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