Exploring Melbourne

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February 11th 2012
Published: February 20th 2012
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Views of Bridge Road Views of Bridge Road Views of Bridge Road

(where we live)
Keen to get to know about Melbourne and our surroundings, we decided to walk from the flat in Richmond to the CBD which is approximately 3.5km away, although it took longer than expected due to Jo’s interest in every shop!

On the way we went via Fitzroy Gardens and saw the model Tudor village and the Dolphin fountain, at which point Will made friends with a baby Moore Hen that seemed to have lost its parents. We then moved on via the Treasury Gardens before Will sneaked in to Mc Donald’s and grabbed a couple of double cheese burgers to fend off any hunger before boarding the free tourist bus that drives you round the city with a pre-recorded narrative of the sites we past.

We (Jo) decided to pass the first few stops and head straight to Victoria Markets; with the logic being we will return to stops that we thought looked interesting at a later date! After a couple of hours of walking round the market they started to pack up the stalls, so we headed down William St to the river and the next bus stop on the tour.

While we were waiting for the bus we nipped into one of the river side restaurants for a quick coffee, allowing plenty of time for people watching!

Our next/last stop on the bus tour was the Royal Botanic Gardens, so we headed to the ANZAC Shrine of Remembrance. From there we walked down the running track to St Kilda Road and back to the CBD.

Before heading home we stopped at the visitors information centre at Federation square to pick up information on doing a trip to the Yara Valley. Whilst we were at the square we got to see a band playing on the stage which we learned marked the inaugural indigenous music festival in Melbourne.

After walking back home and preparing a healthy dinner, we put our feet up and watched some trashy TV with a glass of wine.

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