Melbourne - drinking free champagne with KISS!

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May 22nd 2009
Published: May 22nd 2009
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We flew to a little known Melbourne Airport, cheap flight! It was basically a big tin shed in the middle of knowhere...I'd hate to be delayed there on an outgoing flight (see upcoming Brisbane blog!!!!)

Anyway, we found a decent hostel, and dumped our bags and walked over to the MCG! Not sure why i keep going to see these cricket grounds, not really a fan, suppose they're quite impressive tho! After that i gathered every music paper i could find, and searched for local gigs, and managed to find one, been missing gigs a lot!

Went out for a few beers that night, which turned into a few more beers, then more. We'd found a cheap place, so we had to take advantage! It was a karaoke night, so was a bit of a giggle!

Did the walking tour of the city the next day, which was pretty poor! Melbourne looks like a good place to live, pretty lively and cool, but not really a tourist destination! The tour took us down all these back alleys, it looked just like Manchester!

We left the next day, only went a few miles down the road to St Kilda. Much nicer place right on the coast! Walked right down the front, and into Albert Park where we watched a bit of Aussie Rules. Good sport, but too stop & start. Also realised we were at the Australian F1 track, so walked round a bit of the circuit, pit lanes & starting grid! Not that impressive, just roads, very smooth roads, but roads!

Watched the United match, and to save money we invested in a little bottle of Bourbon before going to the boozer (not sure why i do this, never saves me money, i drink the same when i'm out anyway). Pub was full of Man United fans, but strangely there were only 1 and a half Mancunian accents in the place (sorry Roy, you're only half). Anyway, united won the league, and all the 'united' fans got the champagne out. Time to leave! Went to a gig down the road and caught the end of a Japanese Rock n Roll band!! Looked into another room in the venue and noticed a really good KISS tribute band playing!! More like it. We tried to get in but was told it was a private, guest list only party! The bouncer was having none of it, so we got talking to the woman with the guest list! Some smooth / drunken talking later and we were in!!!! RESULT! Roy went to the bar, only to realise this party was quite a well to do event.....with a FREE BAR!!!!!! Needless to say, for the next few hours we drank only champagne, danced like idiots, danced on stage, posed with the band!!! How no-one picked us out from the much much older more sensible clientele in there i'll never know!!! GREAT NIGHT!

Got up the next morning.......just, and decided a walk down the blustery front would shake me back into life....i went for miles and miles, and still felt rough afterwards! I ended up on the pier and noticed a sign saying wild penguins live here! So i sat for 2 hours in the pitch black waiting for them in the freezing cold! They did turn up, and it was worth it in the end! After that i felt human again.

Next day we headed back to the City for 1 more night, and to work out where to go next! Roy also went crazy and ended up buying his new Apple Macbook!

Additional photos below
Photos: 45, Displayed: 24


Fliners St StationFliners St Station
Fliners St Station

10.54 Flinders Street Station, Lookin straight ahead, a uniformed man, askin am i paid up..... Any JET fans will apreciate!
In WoolworthsIn Woolworths
In Woolworths

They had a Manchester section, and we have no idea why!!

23rd May 2009

Eddie, they have a Manchester section in department stores because that is the Aussie/Kiwi name for linen products, mystery solved!

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