MOST RECENT Melbourne. . . .

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April 4th 2007
Published: April 4th 2007
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So, we're planning to go and see some penguins coming in with their catch to feed their young in a few days, to see some blue whales and oh yeah, to go and experience the Neighbours set and meet the good old characters, Karl, Toady, Harrold, you cant beat 'em.

You have probably all heard that we managed to get sacked from the lame, but legit this time, charity job we were doing (thought it would be nice to be doing something good for people with Oesteoporosis.) We WERE doing a rubbish job, true, but we were planted in the tightest area of Melbourne, of council estates, some, who cant give or take on a saturday. . . and massive, rich mansion estates who always said "We're OK" after you told them what you were collecting for, held out the collecting pot with big puppy eyes - apparently they are very convinced that they or anyone they know will never be affected by it.

We're going into the city later today to see an outdoor gig at Federation Square, by the River Yarra. It is getting a bit nippy out here too fokes, think its a 'wrap up warm' 21 degrees today, ooooo, it makes your teeth chatter.

In a few weeks, we are going to see Swan Lake - so that'll be nice, yes I have managed to get Christopher to agree to go to a BALLET! Well, I shall let you know if he enjoys it.

We hope that everyone has a really happy easter - think I have been given the hints of which easter egg he wants with the little signs of 'accidently' knocking one off the shelf in the shop, or landing a loooong stare at one of them as passing by, or perhaps dropping into a conversation (quite regularly) how much he loves them, the Red Lindtt Chocolate Eggs.

Hope everyone is really well and looking forward to hearing from you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


5th April 2007

Lovely photo of you darling. You look really well and I love your hair. Thanks for that message - I have written another email but I will try and call this weekend. Have a Happy Easter - tons of love from your Mum
5th April 2007

well hello!! sounds like you are still having an amazing time! nevermind about the job, it sounded rather boring anyway!! I had written and sent you a long e-mail to your hotmail account (caroline) about two weeks ago, but mum says you didn't receive it? which is rather strange... I like your hair caroline, have you had it cut and dyed? looks trés bien. When does your lease in Melbourne come to an end?? and where are you off to after that?? I am in the midst of a very boring and pennyless easter, I'm painting the walls at the ivo for money, good times (at least it's not bloody yellow lines this time!!) I'm also trying to begin organising my 21st party, which is probably going to be in July. Sally and Neil have said I can use one of their barns!! which would be amazing, but all the planning is a bit daunting!! I hope christophe is well and not suffering too much in the freezing temperatures you are now having to endure (ha ha bloody ha!) Hope to hear from you soon, e-mail my hotmail account if you can. tons of love, pip. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
5th April 2007

Hi there! Happy Easter! Sounds like you have got loads happening over the next few days - looking forward to seeing the whales and penguins pictures!! Will e-mail soon. Keep enjoying! :)
5th April 2007

Hello there! glad to hear you're still having fun, shame about the job but least you gave it a go! Am very jealous you're going to the ballet! it's gonna be amazing! hope you have a good easter and you manage to get the eggs you want! love rach x x x
5th April 2007

Hope Chris was able to see those two Liverpool victories. The only downside to what must be a certain return to the England team is that Crouch will save McClaren from the sack. What a pity that would be! Speaking of chocolate eggs, Somerfield (the supermarket chain) made a PR cock-up about Easter Eggs. They expressed their concern that very few young people seems to be aware of what the eggs symbolise - that they are commemorative of the BIRTH of Christ! A spokesman referred to the faux-pas as "a typo"! Can't wait for their explanation as to the purpose of Hot Cross Buns! Did you go to see Dame Edna? The new tv series is running over here and dieing a death. Have a great Easter and don't eat too many Red Lindtt Eggs!
20th April 2007

Catching up!
Hello to you both. I thought I would put an entry on your blog as I haven't done for a while even though we have been in touch via emails. I was looking on in the hope you would have put some photos on from your trip up the Gold coast last week. Come on no excuses you've got a new camera now! Good to hear from you and I can't wait to see your photos, your trip sounded fantastic. I would especially like to see the penguins. I bet that was a lovely sight. No doubt you will be getting ready for moving on shortly, have you decided where to yet? Now that you've booked your flights out of Oz you will have a better idea of your time scales. Hope you are both keeping well. Looking forward to your next instalment. Keep in touch. Hope you manage to get on the webcam soon. Missing you loads Love always Mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
21st April 2007

Back to school
Hi there you two - well have sent a package, letter, card, email and now blog and text message - I'm on the winning side. Katie's party is now going to be at the end of June and in Fincham - she is staying with her friends in Richard's barn for that weekend. Hope you are still having great time - pls put photos on when you can - lots and lots of love to both of you
23rd April 2007

Onward bound.
Hello again. It was good to speak to you over the weekend and nice to know that you are both still enjoying yourself and keeping well. I'm glad your trip was a success and now you have booked your flight to Cairns you will be busy getting ready for the next part of your adventure. Maybe you will have a bit more success finding work there. I am looking forward to seeing your photographs. Don't forget to send anything you want to get rid of before you set off so you are not laid down with big bags (I hear you brought some clothes Caroline!!!) Make sure you pay your fine before you leave Chris!!! Keep in touch. Loads of love Mumxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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