Melbourne (2); Bowled Shaayyne !

Oceania » Australia » Victoria » Melbourne » City Centre
December 30th 2006
Published: December 31st 2006
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Tuesday December 26th to Saturday December 30th. Having woken at 5am on Boxing Day I spent what seemed like an eternity tossing and turning like a child waiting for present time on Christmas morning before Steve finally knocked, opened the door and informed me it was time to get up. It was 6.45am. I arrived in the City at 8.30am and made my way straight to the hostel where I dropped my bag, fort... Read Full Entry

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Melbourne (2); Bowled Shaayyne !Melbourne (2); Bowled Shaayyne !
Melbourne (2); Bowled Shaayyne !

William Rickett's sanctuary, an incredible place.
Melbourne (2); Bowled Shaayyne !Melbourne (2); Bowled Shaayyne !
Melbourne (2); Bowled Shaayyne !

Clay sculpture's on rock.
Melbourne (2); Bowled Shaayyne !Melbourne (2); Bowled Shaayyne !
Melbourne (2); Bowled Shaayyne !

Some were barely visible. !
Melbourne (2); Bowled Shaayyne !Melbourne (2); Bowled Shaayyne !
Melbourne (2); Bowled Shaayyne !

Fresh fruit and a cold one. Just what the doctor ordered.
Melbourne (2); Bowled Shaayyne !Melbourne (2); Bowled Shaayyne !
Melbourne (2); Bowled Shaayyne !

It gets better, this was next.
Melbourne (2); Bowled Shaayyne !Melbourne (2); Bowled Shaayyne !
Melbourne (2); Bowled Shaayyne !

A message for the days ahead from The Elephant Rock.
Melbourne (2); Bowled Shaayyne !Melbourne (2); Bowled Shaayyne !
Melbourne (2); Bowled Shaayyne !

And after a hearty breakfast it was time to move on.
Melbourne (2); Bowled Shaayyne !Melbourne (2); Bowled Shaayyne !
Melbourne (2); Bowled Shaayyne !

La Trobe (whoever he may be) reads the riot act to some geezer who looks like I feel !
Melbourne (2); Bowled Shaayyne !Melbourne (2); Bowled Shaayyne !
Melbourne (2); Bowled Shaayyne !

You see the strangest things in Melbourne !
Melbourne (2); Bowled Shaayyne !Melbourne (2); Bowled Shaayyne !
Melbourne (2); Bowled Shaayyne !

I thought we were about to witness a turf war, Big Issue style but they were just having a Xmas coffee truce although when they'd finished the fat guy let his tyres down and unplugged his battery.

31st December 2006

Cricket? Still can't see the attraction lad. bloody freak!
31st December 2006

Lookin like ur havin a good trip dude! keep up the blogs they make a good read when im in work!! hope u have a good new year! get absoulutley friggin wasted or shame on u!
31st December 2006

hi mate,sorry to hear the result you was looking for in the cricket was,nt quite as to plan as you or anyone thought it would be,but hey there on home territory what do you expect.I think what is important is sharing the experience and soaking the atmospere of such a special occassion to one man in particular the Great Shane Warne,wittinessing such an accolade at as you have said one of the greatest cricket pavillions in the world is a rememerance of all time.Matt reading along the lines you have settled into the swing of things know,but i must emphasize get a good meal down you i know they say pictures can look quite decieving but you look 3stone,come on dude took into a nice peice of steak.Well my son i will leave you with these words!always remember for is short,break the rules,4give quickly,love truely,laugh uncontrollably n never regret anytjin that made u smile.... send to all the people you love n care 4 n dont want 2 lose in 2007 even man take care bro.
31st December 2006

Happy New Year Me Old Mucca!
Have a good one Whitey
1st January 2007

Cricket is baseball on valium.Looking forward to your adventures in 2007 Matt.Stay safe.
1st January 2007

Great blog except for all the bits about cricket, which to me read blah blah blah blah. ;) Sop wearing those bloody flip flops and you won't keep hurting those toes of yours. Happy New Year to you. xxx

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