Sittin' Thinkin' Plannin' Panickin'

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July 19th 2007
Published: July 19th 2007
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Ok. Here goes!

Why am I traveling? People travel for so many different reasons. Underlying those reasons is everyone’s desire to do something fun and different. The experience of a traveler can never be alike because traveling is what each person makes it. There are those who travel to see what they go to see, and there are those who travel to see what they see. That may sound the same, but I think they are different. So that’s what this trip is for me, a time to see what I see. Im going to learn to be me again. Bring it on!!!!

So it is 25 days until catch my flight to LA. My itinerary is as follows.

13 Aug 07 - Los Angeles


29 Aug 07 - Vancouver

19 Sep 07 - London for 3 days

7 Days in Ireland then back to England (high five Toni on the heads up with Ryanair!!)

11 Oct 07 - Back in Australia

The planning for this trip went pretty well. Most things fell into place and I’m really happy about the final itinerary! Kudos to Rachelle at Trans Otway Travel who scored me an awesome flight package. I think I have a good mix of things in there. The contiki, the mountainbike retreat on Vancouver Island and the reunion with an old (but not too old ) friend. Sitting here now I think my highlights will be Las Vegas, Tijuana, Canada and catching up with Kelly who I haven’t seen in 15 years!!!! But having said that, I’m sure the highlights will be found where I least expect them.

I may be quietly nervous about traveling alone, but I think I am more excited than nervous. I know I will be stepping out of my comfort zone but that’s what is so great!! If I was traveling with someone and only doing organized tours I think I would feel like I was cheating. There is a time and place for everything but now definitely isn’t that time. Solo travel is definitely the way to go on this one!

I’m not expressing my opinions on what may be the down side to this trip as the whole purpose of this journey is to get away from the cynical negative person I have become and to go back to being the positive person I once was! Throughout this Blog I hope to be as honest and open about my experiences as I can be. Hopefully you guys feel like you are here with me……but you’re not so suck a**!!!!!

I think I have everything I need for this trip. I still need to get a zip fixed on my pack though. Must remember to do that. I’m contemplating whether or not to pack the didgeridoo, Acubra and the “really big knife” but that may just be too Aussie!!! Seriously though, I will not be leaving home without a jar of vegemite mainly because vegemite sangers will probably be my staple diet whilst in London!!! I’m hoping to update this Blog as much as I can, hopefully you guys are interested enough to follow along. Please leave comments too!! I feel a bit weird talking about myself but Im sure the weirdness will only last until my first nudie-run through Vegas …. Of course I will include pics too…..inappropriate and otherwise…..

Til next time…


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