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June 9th 2006
Published: June 9th 2006
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Crows Nest, QLD SunsetCrows Nest, QLD SunsetCrows Nest, QLD Sunset

Its so pretty here:)
Only 2 weeks left of working here in Queensland. Anna and I can't wait to travel. We have figured out everything 😊 It'll be really great. Here's a rough list of where we are going to travel to:

- Fraiser Island for a 2 day 1 night camping excursion
- Fly to Cairns to see the great barrier reef...go scuba diving, skydiving 😊 and other fun stuff
- Fly to Alice Springs (the middle of the desert) and go on a 4 day, 3 night camping trip in Uluru around Ayres Rock with a bunch of other young backpackers 😊...that should be really awesome, camping in the outback..fun times 😊
- Fly to Adelade (south) and drink some wine....supposed to be great there.
- Fly to Melbourne and visit Harriet...my roommate from the first half of grade 12.
- Fly to Sydney and see everything there
- Then we are flying to Byron Bay...staying a couple nights there, touring around to Nimbin, a little backpacker place.
- Going back to Crows Nest to say goodbye to everyone 😞 Leaving to go home around July 23rd. We should be back in Canada
Sunset Sunset Sunset

More Sunset :) Check out more pics on my MSN Space
on July 23rd at the latest.

So, things have been great here. I can't believe we have been here for 5 months already. Time goes by so fast when you're having fun. I'm going to miss everyone a lot. There will definately be tears in our eyes when we leave here. But, all good things must come to an end. Only 2 weeks until we head off...it's going to be a great trip. Happy birthday Justin and Lisa and Nanny!!! Hope you all had a great day.

Well, talk to you all soon...hope everythings great with all of you!

Love Steph xoxox


9th June 2006

sweet deal
your travel itinerary sounds sick. and your pictures are pretty good too. have an awesome time!
9th June 2006

14 day?
So you are getting excited can you let me know when we will meet up with you again? It may be Sydney. Are we still welcome to come to the nest. The pictures are beautiful. I miss you sooooooooooooooooo much and Love you.
12th June 2006

U better be home the 23rd...we'll be waiting your arrival. MMMMMKAY, love you, have fun!! -CRUISEEEEEEEE
12th June 2006

funny story..
hey steph!!! okay you are going to think im a huge creeper (which i pretty much am)... but i have a funny story for you. so im sitting at my desk at work, taking over for reception, bored out of my mind, and someone sends me an email about how employers are looking people up on google and snooping on their personal facebook lives. so i think to myself.. man i wonder if im cool enough to be serachable on google... and it turns out i am... and i guess ur mum mentioned my name in a journal entry and it brought me here.. sooo ive been creeping on ur trip and it sounds like ur having sooo much fun! anyways i dont want to keep you, but have a great rest of ur trip! and i cant wait for you to get home so we can plan for nexxxxxt year:):) talk to you soon! nisha

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