We're Here!!!

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Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Toowoomba
May 31st 2007
Published: May 31st 2007
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We arrived to Australia at 6am Aussie time on the 30th (2pm Edmonton time on the 29th) We lost an entire day in the air. The flight was actually really good even though it was 13 hours, thank god for Nyquil. It is absolutely amazing here! It is very warm and beautiful. The people are so nice here too, and the service everywhere is awesome and you dont even have to tip here. (I know you'd love that Michelle....). We are staying with Tyler and his wife Sarah, they have a very nice place. We are about 1.5 hours away from the coast but we are headed there for a week next Saturday. The beers been flowing and we're having a kickass time!!! The beer is actually very similar to Canadian beer (Thank God). Thats all for now, see you guys on here or on facebook. We will have pics up here once we get them done.

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5th June 2007

allllooooo down there
Miss you guys , golfing, drinking, Northside crew. I want the next blog to say that Dan is getting some yum yum chop.

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