I love this record, but I cant see straight anymore :)

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December 10th 2008
Published: December 10th 2008
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Hello to all,

Im sorry I haven't been on here in a while, ive been busy drinking 😊 (and working...)

My last two days in Karumba were amazing, we ended up at 2 more local house parties and had a fair few sea food barbies, we got drunk some more and went late night beach fishing where I caught 2 catfish (apparently nothing much to be proud of!) and 4 of the locals took us out in the barra boat until 2 in the morning on the river to do some croc spotting! A guy named 'nutsie' went all Steve Irwin on me (..they have a habit of doing that?!) and decided to do some salt water crocodile wrestling. I nearly had a heart attack 😊

So back on the Cattle Station we did some tough musters, most of them had no fence line, 1000+ cattle and only 4 of us. On one muster there were a fair few calves in the mob and they just scattered everywhere and we were galloping around like crazy trying to get control again... We also did a fair bit of yard work- branding, tagging and castrating. The yard work was all fine until my last day when I got charged by an angry cow with very large horns, I managed to get up the fence but left my leg behind and she got me 😊

Last friday I had to go up in a light plane and do some seeding. Now, I like flying, but I was sat backwards in the blaring sun with no air conditioning, lifting heavy bags and so I think the fact that I threw up was fair enough! (not in the plane...I managed to wait...)
I think the fact I threw up explained why I was so drunk that night, we got Saturday off and so we decided to head to the Gregory Downs pub. I met all the local caowboys and they kept bringing out rounds of 'cock sucking cowboys' (a shot) and my glass was not allowed to be empty. We left the pub to head down to the river and just as everyone jumped in a massive storm broke out and it started pissing it down with rain, I was rather drunk and didnt know where the ute was, I had also broken my flip-flop which didnt help, but someone grabbed me and put me into their ute. We drove back to the farm and played more drinking games, one guy- Sippy- got so drunk he was mopping himself down under a sprinkler, completely naked because he was dirty haha, bless.
The next day we awoke to a phone call from our boss telling us not to even bother trying to get back, there had been too much rain... So we cracked open another rum can and pulled out a tarp slide 😊

We eventually attempted to get home at about 1o'clock on Sunday. We got in pretty far but we tried to drive through a section of mud that was soft underneath and it sucked us down and we got well and truely bogged. We ended up knee deep, laying in the mud, trying to dig ourselves out. We tried the radio but we were too far out for anyone to pick us up, we tried to call the emergency number (which apparently you dont need signal for!?) and it didnt work, we ran out of water pretty quick so we drank muddy water from a puddle. We kept digging and having mud fights until about 7 that night when it started to get dark. Then we realised nobody was going to bother looking for us, so we lit a fire and settled down with the mosquitos for the night. Ill be honest, I got pretty freaked out with the noises out there, Sheridan was saying 'dont worry, nothing out here can hurt you' when something swooped over our heads and she shouted 'WHAT WAS THAT?!' ...which wasnt particularly helpful to my emotional state 😊 So we decided to camp down for the night in the ute and try and dig some more in the morning, after I had been asleep for about 10 minutes Sheridan wakes me up saying 'Hayley, Hayley whats that?!' I thought she was going to pull some Wolf Creek shit on me but infact, up ahead were the headlights of our boss' ute... rescue had come at 11 o'clock...

So after that incident we decided it would be best to leave the Station abit earlier than planned, since the rain was coming in and the road was already buggered if it had rained anymore we would have been stuck there.

So we left on Friday night and headed to the Gregory Downs Cristmas party. Me and Sheridan were sat in the river in bikinis drinking rum from 2 oclock that afternoon, and slowly all of the locals found out we where there and they turned up one by one with eskys full of piss to join us in the river 😊 I dont remember much from that night...I fell asleep on the kitchen work top and woke up with half my toe nail missing, I think it was a good night!
The next day they started drinking at about 9 in the morning, and I was told I wasnt allowed brekkie unless I had a beer with it...we ended up down the river again drinking and was giggling like an idiot by about 11oclock. We left the river at about 5 to get ready for the christmas party but we ended up on a quad bike riding round the farm and nearly ended up in another river becuase woody forgot the breaks! Again, I dont really remember the chrismas party, sitting on santas lap, dancing like a crazy person, drining through funnels and not being allowed to go to bed. I did not feel too good the next morning, but, once again we were down the river drinking rum and listening to tunes all day and night. Damn these guys can drink, I coughed yesterday and I think my liver collapsed...

So we left on Monday morning (too early...) and had a road trip to a place called Longreach where we stayed the night at a very nice hotel with a pool and spas, we ended up drinking with some cowboys on a conference up there which was cool and a few of the guys from Gregory ended up there too. We left there (again too early for my liking..) and headed to Rockhampton where I am now. Im staying above a pub which kicks off pretty good at the weekends but Ive decided to be sensible and one of the girls ive met has a job doing some fruit picking and so im starting that with her tomorrow for a week, so I have enough money for christmas and new year (see, told you I was sensible mummy 😊 )

I would LOVE to get my photos on here but unfortuantely I dont have a wire for the camera, so youll have to wait 😊 I have signal on my phone again now so I can be called/texted on my australian number.

I hope everyone is well and ill speak to you soon
With love from Rocky xx


13th December 2008

You auzzie lout!
Stop drinking so much and do some work...lazy so and so... will ring again soon...love you! Sister xx

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