its raining, its pouring, Port Douglas is boring!

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July 17th 2008
Published: July 17th 2008
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We read this after we had been in, ahh!!
15th-17th July

Well not really! We headed further up north to Port Douglas on Tuesday, hoping for a few days next to the crystal clear blue sea, kids plaing in the sand etc, however the weather wasn't great. The drive up was a beautiful (but scary) windy coastal road. Its the only road up with a few houses scattered here and there. I think it gave us the first taste of the size of the country, because it took us ages and there was nowhere to stop along the way. Due to this we decided not to go any further up, because it would have been a long drive back to Cairns.

Back in P.D, we headed into the centre and down to a small port, where we started to paddle and collect shells in a rock pool - that was until we saw two croc warning signs, so feeling slightly paronoid we legged it! So off we went to find a 'safe' beach, but before we even got out of the van, the warning signs for the Box Jellyfish put us right off! (their stings can be fatal!) We promised the kids that we would come back when
Ocean roadOcean roadOcean road

Drive from Cairns to Port Douglas
the weather was nicer (yeah right!) (We were later advised that they don't come out until sep)

The town was lovely, but not much going on (looks great if you are single/no kids!) We did however get our first look at some Koala's, which are gorgeous, really cute, then we had the theme tune to 'Koala Brothers' in our head all day! The kids fed some friendly roo's, they were loving it!

So today we have headed back to Cairn's to a lovely campsite. Off to buy some snags and steak for our first barby later! (I'm picking up the lingo!!).

Tomorrow we are going on the reef trip, so looking forward to that, have found a boat that does loads of stuff for kids along with a glass bottom boat and semi-sub trip? We will tell you more on next blog.

Hope all is well with everyone there, sounds like a sunny july?!!

Happy birthday to Sally, Grandad, Simon, Benjaman and Leo xxxxxxx

Lots of Love, Shelley, Steve Isabella and Noah xx

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For those of you without kids, watch 'Koala Brothers' on CBeebies

21st July 2008

Watch the crocs
oh my god swimming up North!!! Apparantely the box jellyfish can be seen (or felt) all year round, despite the locals saying they only come out at certain times of the year!! As for the crocs - I hear they give a nasty bite!! Dont want to hear about a 'pomme' family being croc lunch in the news. Sounds like u having a fab time see you back in Brisvegas soon.
26th July 2008

100% fullproof technique
Hello both - as I said to Judy on the phone, when we're not sure if there are any crocs lying in wait, we put noah in with armbands and after 5 minutes or so of him bobbing about we know it's safe, and all jump in. Lovely! See you when we reach brisbane... x

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