packed and off to Cairns

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August 10th 2007
Published: August 10th 2007
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How you goin? Well we have managed to pack all our accumulated stuff- 6 sleeping bags, a bag of shells, presents, shopping items, 1 frying pan, 1 pot, 1 cooler, 1 extra duffle bag (courtesy of Tim Berg), 1 fishing pole, 2 new pairs of shoes (because you never know when you will need a pair of LaCoste!), 1 hammer, lots of sand!

We are off to Cairns this evening and are planning on staying at Ellis Beach. WE were not thinking when we booked this flight- since we will not arrive in Cairns until 10pm and then have to hire a vehicle and then drive to ellis beach- about 30 min. north! Hmmm....

Otherwise, we hung out yesterday on Cotton Tree Park in Maroochydore. We walked the beach, read, ate and went to see HP- Order of the Phoenix-again. BEd by 10. The weather is getting much better. The temps today feel about 30 in the sun! Finally! WE planned on mailing a bunch of stuff home however, that would have cost us about $80 AUD.

We have not met many ppl our age- since it is winter and all we have come across are the "Grey Nomads!" aahahaha We have snow birds,, they have these types. This campground we are in reminds me of the one Mo and Do stay in in Casa Grande. Palm trees, lots of gray hair, no wild parties. Sadly, noone has invited us for Happy Hour! :-(

So, toodles for another day or so.


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