Hamilton Island

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September 6th 2007
Published: September 8th 2007
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We left this morning via Dent & Hamilton Island on our way to Gulnare Inlet, but when we were passing Hamilton we saw some moorings outside the entrance of the marina and decided to stop and make phone calls as we could get reception and explore Dent Island, I read in a book that there was a shop were they sell shell jewellery made by a local and how could I resist. We couldn’t get to it so decided to go to Hamilton marina, I have been here before at the resort a few years ago when I came to see a concert by Match Box 20 and liked this place very much so I was eager to show it to Rex, Hamilton is a very large island and one that has private housing, even George Harrison (from the Beatles) has or had one there.
We only had time to walked around the marina, shops, had a coffee and took a Pizza home for dinner.
Tomorrow we will spend the day investigating the resort and the rest of the island, their’s a courtesy bus that takes you around or we can hire a buggy as their’s no cars allowed there. It should be fun.

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