On my way!!

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July 31st 2005
Published: July 31st 2005
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Total Distance: 0 miles / 0 kmMouse: 0,0

Goldy to Singapore

Saturday August 6th 2005 Brisbane International Airport to Changi International Airport 1:55pm to 7:50pm - 7 hours 55 minutes

It's time to go..........................Rachael.

It's finally getting close to the time that I leave. I thought I'd have one more quick practice on making an entry before I leave.

Just quickly then, I hope you have an interesting time looking through the entries and the photos.

And I'd like to invite you all now to put forward any suggestions at any time. Also, to ask any questions about the places where I am or have been. I will, of course, not be able to write about everything, so if you are interested in another aspect of that country/ city/ language etc, please tell me and I'd love to look into that too. And, you may just have comments on what I am writing about, whether you've been there before or can expand on something I say about a religion or cultural point...please go ahead.

I'd like the site to be interesting. Hear from you soon then. Luv Rach. xoxoxoxo


31st July 2005

Bon voyage! I hope you have a great trip.
6th August 2005

how u doin
have fun and bring me somethin nice, he he.
14th August 2005

So many travel blogs!
Hey Rach! Sounds like you're having an amazing time. Must admit, due to my impending trip I haven't been able to read every entry you've made. Will they still be up for me to read properly when I get back? Keep having a great time, Cat :-)

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