Still Goin...

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September 19th 2006
Published: September 19th 2006
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Diving on the G.B.R.Diving on the G.B.R.Diving on the G.B.R.

The day was picture perfect...Just for us!
Hello All!

Once again, I apologise for the lack of entries in the last month or so. Things have just been crazy! Ive been working, and going out with friends, so I haven't had very much time to visit an internet cafe, and if I have, then it was to pay rent, or check my emails quickly.

Life here is good..almost too good. Infact, Im going to be really sad to leave Cairns when the time comes, just because it has been my home for over two months, and I have made so many friends here from all parts of the world. Two of my really good friends left today. Im really going to miss the both of them, just because we have all become really close as we all worked together at Pier Bar.

Work is going well. My shifts are getting cut down a little bit, due to the busy season ending, which means more time to go out at night and spend my money, which is not good at all. Baskin Robbins remains my favorite, as it's usually only myself and my friend Hayley working, so we just sample the ice cream all night and

Our Dive Master, and a loyal customer @ Pier Bar.
crank up the music in the place. Pier Bar is not as busy as it used to be, so I usually get to go home early on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, which means home to get dressed to go out.

Jason Goudreau is arriving in Cairns in less than a week, and Im getting really excited, because for me, that means almost done my work here in Cairns, and time to start travelling again! Hopefully my bank acct is in good shape.

Im sure everyone is now aware of the tragedy that happed to Steve Irwin. I, as well as everyone else here was shocked to hear about his death. I was really worried, actually, just because I was to go on my dive the following Saturday, and I swore that if I saw a sting ray, I think I would pass out under water. I didn't see one, which I was happy about, but I did see a reef shark, as well as another white tipped shark. The experience was awesome. My good Scottish friend, Gordo, took my friend Andrea and I out for half the price. We spent some time on the beautiful tropical Green Island to catch some rays, then it was just the 3 of us for our dive. It was the nicest day as well, which was a bonus.

Well, no pictures to put up at the moment. I forgot to bring the cords to the internet cafe. I promise it wont be too too long before I get them up here. Miss you all more than ever!

Marie x

Additional photos below
Photos: 8, Displayed: 8


Ahhhh JAWS!Ahhhh JAWS!
Ahhhh JAWS!

This is a reef shark. Aparantly harmless, but still super cool to see a SHARK!

Change of mind, can I get a refund perhaps? Hehehe a little scared...
Green IslandGreen Island
Green Island

The most picturesque island to set foot on. We stayed a couple hours on this tropical little island and sunbathed.

Sexy Gordo, coming in from a dive
Pirates Ahoy!Pirates Ahoy!
Pirates Ahoy!

I swear I saw Capt. Jack Sparrow aboard this vessel

20th September 2006

You're alive!
I am so glad that you finally updated. None of us had heard from you for so long so I am glad that I finally know you are alive. Good to hear Australia is still alive and kicking.

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