Almost leaving Brisbane!

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June 2nd 2007
Published: June 2nd 2007
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The van is now alive again, and fixed up ready to sell, but Alex is now ill, and so we remain in Brisbane.

Last weekend we, aided by anne-marie and mark, painted and tidied up all day to make the van look smart. So it now not only has a new engine but lots of new licks of paint.

We have spent the last few days doing very little. Yesterday Alex had a visit to the doctor with a throat infection, and I went to get my legs waxed. Never again will I go there. The woman was off her rocker and took 1 1/2 hours to do what normally takes 20 minutes! She told me Alex and I were incompatible as he is a first and me a second child. Although apparently our star signs both being water slightly makes up for it. When I laughed, she got cross and told me that astrology was a serious science! She cross questioned me and kept making up random things, while running out mid-wax to attend to someones nails that she was doing at the same time! All in all not a great waxing session, although certainly an experience. And poor old Alex was sat out in a chair feeling really rough. She told me she was clairvoyant as she worked out alex needed a glass of water (i think the coughing like he was dying may have been what gave it away). And I still don't have hair free legs, although they are very red and blotchy!

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7th June 2007

Great new van!
It looks splendid now to match new engine. Surely a catch for a retired nostalgic couple? You were lucky to have all that help, all the while being cosseted with home comforts by the tremendous Ann-Marie and Mark.

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