6 August 2011

Published: August 9th 2011
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Woke up to a lovely morning and found that Airlie Beach temperatures were hotter than in Trinity Beach, mainly because there was no wind. I went for an early morning walk along the beach and Stephanie and Tux went off to the market and to investigate options for getting over to the Whitsunday islands.

The next time we heard from them was to say that they had failed to find a boat trip across but had got a discounted deal on a seaplane flight to land on Whitehaven Beach - Google it!
The rest of us had decided to explore the area by car, but met up with them at the marrket after having breakfast in Airlie Beach. The place has a very heavy backpacker influence, but is beautiful.

Stephanie and Tux needed to be at the small airport by 12.30, so we dropped them off there and went to visit Shute Harbour with its views of the Whitsunday Islands. On our way back we dropped back into the airport in time to see them take off!

We went on to the supermarket to get some food and booze for supper, which we had in the apartment. Prior to cooking supper, Eryl and I went for a walk around the marina outside our apartment. Stephanie and Tux returned having had a wonderful time and with some great photos. They did however have some heavy rain which we didn't get on the mainland.

More packing up was done before turning in for the night


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