Australia & its big rocks......

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Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Uluru
October 15th 2007
Published: October 22nd 2007
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I know you're all working at home but this travelling business isn't all having fun and partying....I've never risen out of bed so early in consecutive days for as long as I've lived. Getting form A-to-B means that the day often starts at 3 or 4am but at least there is always the excitement of a new destination. So after Darwin we flew to Ayer's Rock....or to Uluru as it is known in these parts.

I think it's probably the places that we have no expectations of that have surprized us the most. We arrived to Uluru 2 flights later & immediately headed on a took in the Olgas & Uluru. It's so amazing.......the red- earthy terrain stretches into infinity, parched soil all around. Olgas is a nearby rock formation that is much more "lumpier" and textured than Uluru and is pretty impressive too. So in the very dry heat of the afternoon we took in the wonder of these formations. And yes......Uluru was beautiful as the sun set. We didn't have time to do the walk around it but got an appreciation for it in those few hours.

Uluru has a massive tourist industry with its own airport and resort to look after all of us. We stayed in a nice resort.....budget.....The Outback Pinnacle & I was expecting some shamble of a shack but it was a cosy little dorm made for 4 and we had it to ourselves so it was like the good auld days back in Asia.

The following day we headed to King's Canyon on a's about 300km or so from Uluru so it was an early 3am start for us. Every so often the bus would slow down as the kangaroos hopped out on to the road and one even hopped alongside us for a while. Once there.......suncream and mozzie net on.....we began the start off going up about 500 steps but after that it's pretty easy. Just be careful that you don't stand too close to the edge because it's all sandstone and crumbles easily without too much persuasion so be warned!! The views were beautiful all around the canyon. Worth the early start!!

Can't forget to mention the one-man band in the resort. Have to give him credit for his vocal talents....both nights he came out and sang.....the same songs mostly but he was good......

So that was Uluru. We managed to secure our 4-bed dorm both nights without any other wayward backpackers so that was great.....maybe they saw my sandals outside the door and thought better of entering!! Good move!! When flying out to Uluru the lady put a label on our bags cause they were so heavy.....thankfully I mananged to lose 2.5kgs when I was there which is always good.....tinned food isn't so bad after went form the bag on my back to the bag in my much easier to carry it that way!!


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