A Lot of (Australian) Things Can Happen In 7 Days

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August 17th 2016
Published: August 17th 2016
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It's been 7 days since I last wrote, and plenty of things have happened. Truthfully, I was too lazy to write because I was spending all of my free time reading Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix. But sadly, I finished it so I have some time between Harry Potter novels to update everyone on my life.

Last Thursday, a few of my friends and I went to a wildlife center and had breakfast with koalas. It was undoubtedly one of the coolest things I've done. We got to go into the koalas little exhibit and take pictures with them, getting really up close and personal. There was even a baby koala in one of the momma koala's pouches! It was so tiny and adorable, it was so amazing. The pictures didn't even really do the entire experience justice, but I did get some great ones. That night, we went to another friend's apartment because she had an Olympics themed party with a bunch of the international students. Everyone had to wear their country's colors, and it was actually super fun. Although, it does kind of get old having to explain to people who ask what Northeastern is like, that I haven't actually been there yet, therefore their guess is as good as mine.

On Sunday, we were awake before the crack of dawn, and while it was still dark out we set off for Bondi Beach for the City 2 Surf run. We were volunteering at the run and our task was to fill the water cups at the finish line for after the runners had finished. We got to Bondi around 6:30 in the morning, just as the sun was rising which allowed for some awesome pictures. We spent a few hours filling up literally thousands of cups for the runners, which seemed to last a long time- until we actually ran out. We were filling the cups with HydraLite, which is kind of like Gatorade, except it has to be made by mixing so much powder with so much water. So as we were trying to keep up with the rush of people coming to get HydraLite, we ran out of cups. Then we had to find cups, and people were getting angry and it was quite overwhelming. I never want to see HydraLite ever again.

Sunday was actually a beautiful day out, and it would've been nice to stay at Bondi for the day had I not been forced to wake up at 4:30 in the morning to mix HydraLite. So, we trekked off towards home amongst the huge crowds of people, and I then proceeded to take a two and a half hour nap. Well deserved, I'd say.

Tuesday morning I went back to PCYC for my second week of service learning, which was just as good as the first. I worked with the same boy that I worked with the first week. The task they had to complete was a little more difficult than the previous week, but he finished all of his work just fine. I really like what I'm doing, and it actually feels so good to help others. Also on days when I go to service learning, I get to treat myself to the Starbucks that is right up the street... always a nice little bonus!


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