Campaign Junkie

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March 12th 2011
Published: March 12th 2011
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Ok so here I am sitting in the lobby of the place I am staying taking advantage of the free wi-fi. I am in Sydney and have been back here for a week. How I love this city it scares me how much I like it and that I could quite easily pack up my life back in the UK and live here. That is if I could get proper work.

What lured me here was an election and the campaign junkie that I am means I am once again on the campaign trail. Enjoying that - more of that another time.

Althought that pretty much truncates my blog as that is all I have really done since I arrived. I lie I finished off the National Maritime Museum, have had far too much to drink and have generally enjoyed socialising and meeting fellow political animals.

I watched the mardis gras from the comfort of a friends apartment with a good view out at the bottom of Oxford Street where all the fun happens. There were some sore heads on the train in the morning - yes there was me heading to work whilst people were heading home from a night of partying. Must rectify.

I am determined to do a bit more exploring though in between campaigning - it is the French Film Festival whilst I am here so that could be fun. Manly also beckons - was hoping to get out there today but the shorts and suncream invited the rain. 😞

Anyhow it is brief but I will try and keep you all updated on my Sydney adventures.

K xxx


12th March 2011

It is so great reading about your exploits down under!!! Just wanted to say that Katie - Australia is such a terrific country, and especially for young people, just LOVE reading your blogs - thank you Cx

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