Sydney, Manly beach and the Sweedish Party!!!

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February 21st 2006
Published: February 24th 2006
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Hey everyone again last few days in Sydney have been really good and enjoyable. This is what we have been up to......

Last Sat the boys wanted to go to the powerhouse museum but i was not to interested in it myself so i decided to go up Sydney Skytower the tallest building in Sydney with a veiw over all of the city. It was a bit wierd seeing it from above after walking back and forth through it each day but the tower sure had so me spectacular views of the harbour!! Got some gd pics for the photo albums!! Also there was a little lame ride after the tower called the OzTrek which was a simulator which took you on a ride through the major landmarks in Oz.

Then later that night it was time for the sweedish party!! Me and harry got in the spirit and wore our tour cricket shirts!! We headed down to the bar quite early to get the drinks in!! We were there from about 7:15pm when it was not really busy at all. We noticed while buying the drinks they had a special promotion on if u drank so many of a certain drink you get either a sweedish hat or t-shirt after seeing this me and harry set ourselves the target of getting both that meant we were going to have to drink 12 jugs of the cocktail on special!! Yup 12 jugs ridiculous!! luckily we got some help along the way!! After we had got 2 down our throats the bar guy gave us the hats on cheap because there were not many people there at the time and to promote the offer they had on!!which was nice of him. Then thats where we met Jarrad 20 year old Aussie from Perth top bloke, who has been touring the rest of the world and finishing in Sydney before he heads back to WA!! He asked if he could join us and we welcomed the company then he joined the drinking bandwagon and we needed to get him a t-shirt as well!! Soon after we been talking to him another bloke came over and started talking to us this time a guy called alex from hartfordshire in the old Uk and he joined in the drinking to.Then erica his hot sweedish friend who i get on with well now came over as well and there the mission began to get all 5 of us t-shirts before the end of the night!! The other deal was you could drink Wkd's insted so we started on them insted and must have got through about 30 between us after a few quick rounds the t-shirts were getting closer and nearly all of us had them. Then when i went to get changed into it giles was in the room and asked me to get him one as well already being very drunk i stupidly agreed and this meant i had to buy yet more drinks. I pleaded with the barmaid about giles ear and he really wanted one and i managed to haggle it down a bit but i still had to drink a lot more and i still dnt think he realises the efforts we went to get them!!Then we all got our faces painted by hot english girl and off we went to dance the night away on the dance floor!!

Next morning we had a very early start as we headed off to watch the cricket. We got the ferry across the harbour and walked the 10min walk the otherside to the ground. The game was between New South Wales there one day side being called Speed Blitz Blues and Western Australia who were called Western Warriors. The day itself was an aboslute scorcher we think it hit around 35 36 in the peak of the afternoon. Gave me a chance to sweat off the drink from the night before!! The game itself was a thriller WW looked like theyd thrown the game away in the first innings only for them to claw it back and manage to get up to 247 off there 50 overs. Then in SBB innings they were cruising it with one of the operners getting a slow 50 and Micheal Clarke getting 70 odd but then 2 wickets in 2 balls and a bit of a collapse later they had to rebuild. Dominic Thornley came in Hampshires overseas player for next year and got 50 and was looking good till he miss timed one. They needed 10 off 2 overs but great bowling prevented them with Stuart McGill needed 4 off the last ball to win it but only managing to get 2. A gd day out and all for only $15 then we had a quick sprint on to make sure we made the ferry!!

On Monday harry wanted to visit the botanic gardens so we went there. The gardens were highly dissapointing compared to Melbourne ones and were bout half the size with half the variety there. On the way back we stopped off at a couple of shops and looked for some presents and stuff.

Later that night it was cocktail night all jugs for $10 so we were on them all night. Giles came down for a bit but had to head up after a while. We continued drinking till quite l8 with harry heading up to bed at bout 12.30 me and Jarrad continued to party hard mixing it up with a variety of germans ,sweedes and some other nationalities till it closed at 2am. Earlier in the night i met 2 guys from Winchester when i was up at the bar both SCUMMERS!! but nice blokes!! the world is smaller than u think!!

On Tuesday we headed off to get the ferry to Toronga Zoo. I wasnt really sure what to expect but what i can now say is that i was pleasently surprised. The Zoo was really really gd. Didnt think i would enjoy it as much as i did. First we saw the Kowala Bairs which were a bit unsociable but really cute!! Then we saw some Kangaroo's and Wallabies which was gd then we saw platapusses and then we headed off to the seal show which was really gd and the animals were really well trained. Then for my highlight of the Zoo.... The Gorillas!! They were brilliant so funny to watch it was hilarious we were lucky enough to manage to catch them at feeding time. They moved so funnily and they were really stupid. One of them just ran full whack in to a hanging rope and knocked himself to the floor which was highly amusing. After that we saw a number of more animals such as the depressed monkeys, orangotangs, giraffes, rhino's and then on to the bird show which was really spectacular especially with the view of the harbour bridge and opera house in the background!! After we had visited every animal that was in the zoo we headed off back to the hostel. We went downstairs played a bit of pool then me giles harry and jarrad played a bit of poker with Giles regaining his luck which he lost in Melbourne and seemed to kit pocket Kings everyother hand. In the end after 5 games giles had won 2 and the rest of us 1 each.

Then on Wednesday the 4 of us headed off to Manly Beach 2nd most famous one in Sydney behind Bondi, but many people prefer it as its less busy. We took the half hour ferry ride across the harbour to get there and then walked the 5 min to the beach. The view was amazing near white super smooth sand and clear water it was bliss. But before we headed off into the water we decided to dig a hole!!A big hole!! Me harry and jarrad started furiously diggind making it deep enough for all of us to sit in and be level with the beach which is pretty deep. Then once we were sat in there and as comfy as we could be giles started to fill it in. Let me tell you this was a lengthy process to say the least must of taken about 30 min of him moving sand around us all the way up to our necks!! He seemed to spend a bit more time on mine making it extra firm and flat. At this time it was really hard to breathe because the sand was so compressed and if we took a really deep breath the sand would move!! Giles finished up by walking over the sand in front of us quite a few times to make sure it was all flat and firm and then it was time for him to take some pictures of us!! After that we decided to have a little fun!! Giles chucked crisps all around us and over the seagulls came and swarmed us and there was nothing we could do about it!! After that we agreed on 3 the first one to break free and run to the wall wins. Then came the countdown 3....2....1.....struggle free or not in my case i saw Jarrad break free first get up on the way to the wall his leg gave way and he fell flat on his face and then harry got out and managed to get to the wall and then me not moving an inch!!! I was stuck and there was nothing i could do about it. I had my arms free but giles had made the sand around me so firm that i could not move an inch. All three of them grabbed my arms and tried pulling me out and i didnt move an inch so i ended up using all of the energy that i had left scurrying like a mole to get the sand a bit looser from my body as the boys were just laughing there heads off!! I managed to just bout make it out with a huge sigh of relief!!

The rest of the beach was gd as well stunning women strolling up and down the beach!! v nice!!

The sea was really nice as well it was a lot warmer then Melbourne you could have stayed in it for hours. The waves were a bit violent though and there was a bit of a rip tide!! Which managed to such me out a bit further everytime i tried to get back to the beach. I think it is a place that we will def be revisiting in the next couple of weeks for sure!!

On the cricket front to interesting things have happened. 1st of all we have invented hostel cricket. This involves a pair of my socks as the ball taped up into ball shapea camping mat as the bat and many a fielder round the room in the form of towels and the danger of being caught off walls and the one hand one bounce rule!! It has been gd to play some form of the game at least.

Anyway onto the real cricket news Harry emailed a couple of local cricket sides asking if we can get a couple of games and we got a quick response that we would be able to get a few league games possibly over next couple of saturdays which will be fantastic and we are all highly excited about!! We will be going to nets tommorow night to impress then hopefully picking up a game next 2 weeks after that!! fingers crossed!!

As far as the hostel has gone its been brilliant has everything we could want everyone is really friendly and its got plasma screens with comfy seats to watch it on. We all got up very early this morning to watch the Chelsea vs Barcelona game was thinking it was not worth it at half time but second half was a cracker!!

As far as the people in our room goes people have been coming and going pretty frequently. We have had german girls (very grumpy and unsociable) italian girls, swedes, Japanese, Danes ,at the mo some English and some scots and americans, but it has been really good getting to know all of them and hear all of there storys.

As far as food goes we have pretty much been on spagetti and toasted cheese sandwhiches as its the cheap option.

Today we headed off to paddys market and Giles and Harry bought some gifts.

Thats my lot for this time. Hope everyone back home or wherever u may around the world is ok and doing well. Once again is great to hear from everyone please keep emailing me your views and what u have been up to!!

Lots of Love

Chaz x x

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24th February 2006

awesome shirts and hats lol!!!!!

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