Life, the Universe, and Hot Girls we Know

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November 23rd 2007
Published: November 23rd 2007
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After finishing our last final, Kevin and I departed Townsville armed with clothes, high spirits, and a bottle of spirits purchased with money obtained by the last minute sell of my bike. We arrived in Brisbane and had a short dinner before boarding our short flight to Sydney. On our flight, we met a girl who is auditioning for the title roll in Mel Gibson's newest movie (think Apocolypto but Celtish/Gaelic) who bought us some juice on the plane because we were dirt poor. We were hoping she'd offer accomodation, but sensing this she ran off the plane with not even a goodbye...

After milling about the domestic terminal, we managed to convince a shuttle bus driver to drop us off halway to the international terminal. We walked most of the rest of the way and a taxi driver gave us a pro bono lift the rest of the way. Finding the most comfortable benches we could, we verified that we had 24 hour access to bathrooms and water and settled in for the night.

I must say that I felt a bit like Hemingway that night...sitting around having heated debates and conversations that night with Kevin (moderated by our good friend Petrovska) well into the wee hours of the morning...however Hemingway probably debated the existentialist nature of life and nature of the human spirit, not 'hot girls we know'. Different strokes I suppose.

Waking up stuff and cold, to a Sydney that had woken up around us, we shook off the nights sleep and packed our bags while ignoring the laughs we were getting and verifying that we did infact have all of our possisions. A quick breakfast and an airport-sink-shower later we were finally checked in to our flight to Shanghai.

My flight was pretty interesting...while Kevin had two empty seats with which to stretch out, the woman sitting next to me promptly curled up in her seat and took over the armrest and my shoulder as a back support for her frequent naps. When she wasn't napping, she was either slurping Cup-o-Noodles (all over my arm I might add) or talking to her friends sitting behind us and giving me dirty looks every time I reclined my seat anywhere past 90 degrees vertical. 10 hours later...we'd finally arrived in Shanghai!



23rd November 2007

Capitalism, existentialism, hot girls go together
High points for capitalism! Without the sale of your bike (material goods) you wouldn't have had the Petrovska to inspire such spiritual comments/discussions between you and Kevin.....regarding Hemingway, I'm pretty sure some of his existential inspirations came from spirits and girls he knew as well. Happy trails. papi

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