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October 12th 2007
Published: October 25th 2007
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Hello everyone,

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Quantas Airways for the delightful food poisoning we received from you, Al and I managed to survive three weeks in China without once feeling ill, amazing. Anyway enough moaning, once recovered and after removing the toilet bowl from our dierre we headed on to meet Nicky’s old friend from school, Clare and her husband Brandon. They kindly welcomed us into their home (even when their cat was not happy to have her space invaded) and took us around Narrowbean and the Kuring-Gai chase where we saw our first wallaby. We enjoyed a delicious lunch in Cape Town’s equilivant of La Med. Its was great getting to know Clare and Brandon and share in their delight of the first child on its way ( do let us know the sex of your baby we are dying to know!).

On to our next place of abode in Balmoral, Mossman where we frequently took the ferry to get into the city. We really enjoyed this trip as it gave you a perfect view of the Sydney Opera House, a magnificent building that I could look at all day and never tire, even at night its beautiful.
Al’s work friends had clubbed together to buy us a voucher to do the Sydney Bridge walk, not for the faint hearted. The bridge is 134 meters high and you walk on top of the bridge in between all the metal to the half way point. The bridge itself is 49 meters wide took 7 years 356 days to build and has over 6 million rivits holding it together, there were even a couple of people who lost their lives working on the construction. I was sure I wasn’t going to loose mine and made sure my static line was firmly attached… wow what a fabulous view there was at the top, perhaps this is why a bird had decided to make a nest and raise three chicks in a very precarious positioned nest, no second changes with their first flight.
We went to the infamous Bondi Beach, however the wind was up and actually we felt it was over rated, the other beaches around being nicer, but we had to see it.
Again it was great to stay in a lovely home and meet Simon and his family, helping their seven year old daughter Mia with her Maths homework and her ballet steps made Al broody (and I must admit me too). Thank you Simon and Jo you couldn’t have been more accommodating to Al and I.

Now it is time to do a 16 hour flight to Santiago crossing 13 time zones and gaining a day??? Lets hope LAN Chile airlines food is better than Qantas..

Lots of love

Sarah and Al

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