Day 2

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June 9th 2007
Published: June 9th 2007
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Jim Beam & Cola CanJim Beam & Cola CanJim Beam & Cola Can

A can of pre-mixed Jim Beam & Cola. We don't have these in Minnesota.
My day with Tim aka Krazyoztralien or Krazy as most of us know him by.

Brooke was still feeling crook from her surgery and having issues with her scar healing properly and I was to meet my friend Dave aka warriorpoet, his wife and new baby in Wollongong for the day. Friday night I emailed him to get his contact info so Brooke could drop me off, and on Sat his reply was that he had forgotten about his wife's grandfather's 80th and he would have to cancel. Odd, but no worries, Tim had let me know he was free all weekend and that there was a Car Show Sat night (He has a Collector Camaro and likes to go to the meets and rides around the Syd area. Cool I said, lets do it! (The weather ended up staying crap so we never went to the meet, but I did get to see his cool car and photos from other meets he had gone to.)

He came round to pick me up just before lunch. We then went to a pub called Greengate Hotel to grab a bite to eat and visit. We ordered steak sandwiches @ $15.00 and he had a Lemon Squash, I had a Carlton Draught, on his recommendation, my first Aussie Beer in Australia YES! It was all quite good. We chatted about the old days in yahoo chat where we met, the people who used to frequent the chat room, and people he had already met from that room in various meets and parties. We talked about family and friends, Sydney and various topics. It was a very nice visit. I was ready for another beer and he was out of his beverage so I tried a Beez Neez (honey wheat beer) and got him another of his. Tim is on P's and cannot drink even a drop and drive, as it is a holiday weekend and carries double demerit points against his license if he gets caught. New South Wales(NSW) has some of the strictest driving rules - Three years required on P plates even..amazing..and to think Sam got his license last year in March, after only having 6 months as a permit driver, then once he got his he restrictions as to how many years he must be on any special rules as a new driver. Might be a good idea to have in the States, but I am sure every kid would just complain.

Tim told me some about the pub as well, and some of the people working there as it is his local place he likes to go. It was basically like a sports bar, only nicer, and there are betting machines an numbers posted for the horse races, several TV's showing the night before's AFL game replay of the MIGHTY WEST COAST EAGLES vs Essendon. (Too bad the Eagles lost at the very end after a bit of a lead.) Tennis on the center one, and car racing on a third.

All the food that passed by looked delicious. Might have to go back there again and try something else. ;-)

After deciding it was time to move on, we left and drove about Syd, in the rain, witnessing more mad drivers. Tim then took me to the Westfield Shopping Centre in Chatswood. It was cool, as some of the mall stores are outdoors much like Nicollet Mall in Minneapolis, and some inside like at regular mall. Good if it was a nice day, but it wasn't, there was a break in the rain though so we did get to venture outside to window shop. Indoors was crowded as there wasn't much else to do on a cool rainy day and a gazillion kids were there (mallrats) hanging about and in the various shops - especially the ones specialising in video games. I ended up purchasing a card reader for the SD card for the digital camera and a PS2 game to play with Jeff in NZ (as it is snowy and rainy there too and if we end up stuck inside, a lil competitive gaming might be fun) OUTLAW BEACH VOLLEYBALL..10 bucks..w00t! I was trying to find him the paintball game he had been looking for; Greg Hastings Paintball Tournament 2006, only to find out that it was never released in Australia for PS2, only for XBOX. Oh well, I tried.

After the mall Tim took me back to his parents home near Epping. On the way there we travelled along the parkway of Lane Cove National Park. I was amazed to see some of trees along the way, changing colours to beautiful reds, oranges, and yellows, like ours do here in the States, but only in September/October. Odd as to see that happen in June. His parents have a beautiful home, and I also got to see his prized car 1978 Camaro(still right hand drive even as they often make you convert your car if imported to right hand drive, but classic/collector cars of a certain year and back are exempt). There was also mentions of Funnel Web spiders and Brown snakes as his parents home is back to back with the Bush. He said he had kicked a brown snake in the garage, and one had bitten and killed his dog. I was a bit leary going outside in the dark to the garage, as you could hear frogs and critter noises from beyond the garage wall - but no dramas. I met his mum and dad and turns out his dad had gone to the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis Campus back in 1977 (I was 15 and had ridden my bicycle to Canada that summer)..small world eh. We had a few laughs as his dad was cracking walnuts for a tart recipe from a German/Swedish recipe book (written in German) and a family friend had come over as well from his parents Uni days, who was a master chef. Both she and Tim's mum, razzed Tim's dad as he was putting together the ingredients for the tart and dinner. Funny stuff. We also watched sadly as the 6 o'clock news showed the storms, flooding and where the road gave way in the Newcastle area and 7 people died. Tragic.

Snacks were served as well as a cocktail. I chose a Boags Beer, as I wanted to try another Australian Beer - it was yum! There was a plate with crackers and pate, cheese and the yummiest beetroot(beets) dip/spread with beetroot, feta, grapefruit and walnuts..I want this available back home too..or at least a recipe. They had purchased it from the green grocers.

Time to head back as Tim was to go out with mates and I was a bit tired. He took me back, stopping at a bottle-o (liquor store) to get something to sip on back at my room while I worked on these entries and a few other projects I have going. I decided on 3 cans of Jim Beam and Cola (I didn't want to haul cans on the plane to Mackay Sunday, so only 3 instead of a six pack $3.49 a can - not bad - cans are the same size as a can of pop - 12oz or 375ml), as I had seen and heard many of my mates over the years in chat pop the top on one over the mic, as I mixed my own at home since we don't have premixed drinks in cans in the States (at least where I live) I toasted Coachman the Truckie as I popped my first can and drank down the nectar of the God's contained inside. MMMMMMmmmmm Bourbon.

The clerk at the bottle-o asked me where I was from and mocked me saying Minnesoootah as best he could in his Aussie accent trying to sound like was cute. We chatted about the flooding and then the lost family in the road cave-in. He hadn't heard that bit, so I told him to watch the news. In the meantime, a drunk young fellow came in..jumped into the convo and was kind of amusing..Both bid me a good trip and good bye. As we neared the hotel, I had Tim drive me down the block some and around the hotel to see what was nearby incase I decided to venture out, but anything worth getting to was probably a few blocks or more away, and it had started raining again. I never did spot the "Phone down there, by that street"...that Srinivas had illuded to. Now I KNEW he was just trying to get rid of me! Fie on him and his 200 family members! lol

Back at the base..I dropped off my purchases and then ventured down to the Maccas for a bite to eat as it was 8p. I decided on a Chicken Tandoori Roll (A tick menu item - healthy and smart - supposedly) maybe if you ordered it with out the creamy sauce spread generously inside. There was breast of chicken, in a spicy tandoori sauce, tomato, cucumber and lettuce all on a multi-grain roll. In the lobby I picked out a bag of Red Rock Deli Sweet Chili and Sour Cream Kettle chips (on Tim's earlier recommendation) and went back to work and eat. All was delish! Maybe Macca's isn't that bad least here in Oz as they do offer quite a few healthier Tick(Check mark) menu items. I noticed at the pub and Maccas both that things like cukes and beetroot, pumpkin and other vegetables that we in American don't use in every day sandwiches, dishes and especially not fast food are included in many meals. I loved it and wish we had the same back in the States. Maybe people would actually like more veggies and eat healthier if offered the same at our Mall Food Courts and Fast Food Establishments. Their Maccas menu is totally different to ours, well the burgers, fries, McFlurries, Apple Pies and the like are the same, but many different Chicken and even Turkey sandwiches (deli style) are offered only not like the ones we had for a bit there like at Wendy's - Way Better!

Later I went out to the Internet Kiosk to check email before bed. Some one had got their code messed up and was bashing on the door. I didn't let them in as - how did I know he was from this hotel and not some trouble maker. Soon a manager or one of his mates showed up and let him in..he sarcastically commented to me..Thanks for opening the door. I said, Sorry, I don't know you and it isn't my place to let you in a secure door. Safety first. Sucked to be him, but I felt good about my choice as I didn't know the neighbourhood, or the other guests, etc. Security and gates are there for a reason. The gentleman who let him in assured he'd get the code sorted in the morning, and looked over at me. I said, Hey, it wasn't my place to let him in. He mumbled something and went upstairs. Talk to the hand buddy!

Tomorrow, Sunday, the 10th...Mackay, Queensland (QLD) and Virgin Blue Airlines.


18th June 2007

Send my love to BrisVegas. I hope you had good luckwith Virgin Blue. I think they suck. But I do the Perth to everywhere else run at 3+ hours. I hope you're having a great time. Lex
20th June 2007

Heya Sexy Lexy! All good here - Brissy was fun - met grapes there with kio too! We had a great time. Virgin Blue has been the best of all the airlines I have been on I think. The planes were roomier and the staff great - no complaints so far. Thanks for stoppin!

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