Visions of sugar plums dance through my head

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February 9th 2007
Published: February 12th 2007
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Bridge ClimbBridge ClimbBridge Climb

Here we go!
Birthday recap...

All I can say is: WOW...

For my birthday, we climbed did the Bridge Climb. It was absolutely spectacular and a total surprise. The climb started at 6:15 pm (orientation, liability forms, changing into monkey suits, etc.) and by the time we actually started the upward trek it was 7:00 pm. There were 12 of us in the group; I, being scared of heights (and a suck) was placed in pole position right behind the guide. It was still daylight as we headed off. By the time we were halfway up the first arm, the sun had started to set. At the top of the archway, twilight had descended and the lights from the skyscrapers were illuminating the skyline. Then, on the way down, it was complete night. What an unforgettable experience. The journey took approximately 4 hours total; we were back in our civilian gear at 10:00 pm.


After finiding my land legs again, we jaunted over to Chinatown for a snackito. We then spent the night in Darling Harbour.

Back to the present...

So we were supposed to go to
Bridge ClimbBridge ClimbBridge Climb

The bridge... YIKES!!
the zoo today (with the free pass) but woke up late. Dave took the day off again to herd me around town which is a good thing since I'm still directionally challenged, not to mention still slightly confused as to which way to look when crossing the street.

Being in close proximity to Chinatown, we went for dim sum at Lucky Dragon Seafood Restaurant (or some FOB name like that). Almost as good as the stuff in TO but, being biased, I think the Canadian goods are better.

Next door to Chinatown is Paddy's Market. The market consists of two parts... the dry goods stuff (T-shirts, socks, bags, gimmicky things... think CNE) and the fresh produce section. The veggies and fruit are to absolutely die for. I discovered, and I don't know whether or not it's a good thing, sugar plums. Sugar plums are the mini version of regular plums except sweeter and crisper. OH MY GOD - I'm in heaven. We purchased a bag of sugar plums and some Tasmanian cherries. The sugar plums didn't make it home I'm sorry to say; and now I'm on a mission to buy and eat as many as I can
Bridge ClimbBridge ClimbBridge Climb

Changed into our monkey suits.
while I'm here. The downside... one slightly upset stomach (we'll leave it at that). But hey! At least my fruit intake has increased.

For dinner, we headed down to Tim & Toni's place in Bulli. Tim is Dave's former roommate (and, surprise, surprise a firefighter) and ex-chef. This sounds promising. Bulli is about an hour's drive from Dave's place and located on the south coast near a beach. I'm thinking that everyone lives near a beach here. Not such a bad thing. Toni is Tim's girlfriend of 5 years and of course, she works for the Fire Brigades as well. We feasted on lamb kebabs, grilled sweet potatoes, and salad. Thanks Tim! That was totally awesome!

Stayed overnight much to the dismay of Skunky the cat. Sorry Skunky for taking your room... but he sure did let us know how upset he was. Scared the shit out of me with his caterwauling and scratching at the door in the middle of the night. Note to self: don't every try to displace a cranky cat from his domain.

Jan - postcard is in the mail... hope the girls like it!
Party Princesses - how did afternoon tea go?
Princess Helen - hope you have an amazing holiday in Arizona!!
Princess Shannon - if you thought the dried mangos were addictive you should try the sugar plums. I will try and sneak some into the country on my way back.
Vern - you and Scott definitely have to come down here - it's amazing!
Jules - kill the plants if needed... and any bills that arrive as well!

Additional photos below
Photos: 8, Displayed: 8


Paddy's MarketPaddy's Market
Paddy's Market

My own personal sherpa.
Just can't get enoughJust can't get enough
Just can't get enough

Mmmmmmmm... sugar plums!!

12th February 2007

It's Up to You
Thanx for the vacay wishes. Unforch, I've scaled way back -- Friday and Monday only and no travelling. That means all the expectations for a great trip now rest on your shoulders. Keep up the good work!
14th February 2007

Mangos and Sugar Plums ... I'll have to be the judge!
Hey Lisa Sounds like AN AMAZING Birthday! You could not pay me enough to climb that though, I got vertico just looking at the picture! You're such an daredevil! You will have to get some of those plums back to me ... goodness, I am very excited just thinking about them! Be safe and have some more fun for us! (BTW - the Tea was a HIT - Kristine took some great pictures you can look at when you get back. We missed you but I have your boa!) SS

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