My trip to Oz

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January 23rd 2007
Published: January 23rd 2007
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8 days to go before laurie and i leave for Oz. im well excited, almost got everything prepared!!! had my last shift waitressing at d east side last night wid nat, leon, emily and sam! it woz mental!! had a wicked time doing shots of wisky!!! nice!! i woz in histerics most of the night, as me n leon descovered we r related n specialy if u saw d east side banner we put up!!!!!! im well guna miss every1 there specially u nat!!!! golly gosh!!!
i love working here always have a right laugh n loving our lil raves we have in nats car!! listening to pirate radio!!! n our lil baileys drinkathons!!!
u all ways av me in stiches ma east side ho, gettin down wid the snow!!!! ur a legend!!
ne ways best be off ment to be wrking- aint much of that goin on

luv ya all

lucy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


25th January 2007

East Side Posse!!
Ello Bird!! Very nice first got to, must, have to, stick one of those pics up next to it tho for the final, completing, finishing touch! Will see you soon.....Saturday night we have another Burns, Whiskey and Haggis night :) pop in! Respect 2 da east side!
30th January 2007

Miss you already
hi loobie, sorry i havent been able to see you off, shitty exams and coursework!! i know your gonna have a great time, don't forget about me, i think your brilliant. love ya xxx
30th January 2007

How long will she last?
So how long will you last? Will she last the distance, how long does everyone think lucy will last in Oz. Let's hope she stays for the full 6 months and has a wild time.

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