Hottest day so far.

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Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Bondi Beach
November 3rd 2009
Published: November 4th 2009
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Holy crap, SO hot. 39 degrees today! The breeze itself was hot. Definitely another day for the beach! Munched on some delicious wrap from our secret food court and all made a joint decision to go to Bondi beach again. This is definitely 'get brown' weather. Final day for our travelcards so may as well get use out of them!

Ahhhhhhhhh glorious glorious ocean. I wish I was a mermaid and was friends with all the fish, a shiny tail and seashells, that would be my wish! For those of you who don't know, that is an extract from The O.C - Season 1 - Episode 6. Call me a geek, it's fine. No but really.. I want to be a mermaid. I have since I was 3, and being here makes me want to even more.. ha. Stayed in the sea for quite a while, diving with the waves and perving on surfers. The water was a lot warmer today! When I got out I literally sunbathed for hours. Marc left early because he is going to some family friends tonight for a meal but me and Zoe stayed out there. I didn't burn either! Switched my ipod on and literally chilled the fuck out all day. Eventually after building up too much of a sweat we decided to get some food and shade. I had an annoying heat rash between my legs that kept rubbing when I walked, holy painful! We went back to the restaurant we had gone to the other day. There was some couple sat there and I'm not even lying the boyfriend was a grade A dickhead. He clearly has a temper on him because he threw chips on the floor and the girlfriend was just sat there not even looking at him. Intimidating prick. Our waitress had on some see-through leggings and I could full on see her thong/cellulite, ew. Ate a delicious penne Arrabiata! During our meal that dickhead boyfriend threw a glass and smashed it in anger again and then stormed off. I think she just broke up with him.. you go girl! Also I think someone must have informed the waitress of the thong incident as she had changed into shorts. What a lol. We saw the hot liverpudlian barman from The Gaff!

Then Zoe went for a walk and I went and sat under a tree to read my book. I'm totally into this new vampire series that's out. I can't even remember the name of it now but I'm officially hooked.. I kind of even prefer it to twilight, sorry edward cullen my darling! But it is great, and will most likely be made into a film soon. I couldn't read for shit. Little pesky flies kept buzzing around me and putting me off. Met Zoe at the bus stop and headed back home. We had been informed by our roomie Polly that there were some hot new canadians that had arrived in our room.. oooerrr! We got back and she wasn't lying. MY GOD! One of them is just ridiculously stunning. His muscles, holy cow! Big but not too big, and an actual gorgeous face.. but he's 19. Wow, hello paedophile @ me. Had a shower so I looked less minging and sandy in their presence and then started getting ready to go out! I just keep wearing the same damn clothes over and over because 1) I have hardly any with me, and 2) I can't be bothered washing my dirty clothes.. which I really should do seeing as my underwear is pretty much all used up, ew. The canadians are actually really nice. They're clearly 19 and act very 19 but they're a laugh! Went and got some booze (some vile extremely shit cheap rip off of malibu, it knocked me sick) and came back to the room and drank. And drank some more! Marc still wasn't back from his visit to the friends house yet so we all just headed out. Going to The Gaff, it's coyote Tuesdays and meant to be pretty good. Zoe stopped and got some sushi on the way and then we met Marc along the journey, he was clearly wasted and had a thoroughly enjoyable evening!

So the gaff wasn't THAT great. I mean it was good, and completely packed but I was just a little bored. Girls had painted tops on, it was crazy. You have to have great boobs and figure to be able to do that, sadly I don't think I qualify! We saw our hot liverpudlian barman and he gave us some cheap vodka drinks, what a legend! The Canadians were dancing up on the bar, nice. So eventually after a lot of standing around and meh-ness, we chose to leave. Canadians came with us as they also were a bit blah on the place, but we lost them along the journey because Marc wanted a burger king. They apparently got lost in the park and discovered some weird ass creature. It was like a koala bear but not actually one, they showed us a picture.. odd! So the walk home was pretty cool, luckily brought flip-flops with me to relieve the pain from my heels. Once we got into bed, I was awoken by Marc in full panic-mode. The cash machine had swallowed his card. The thing is, a few days before, his other account was blocked off because there was some fraud enquiry so he couldn't access his money. I had been lending him. Then when he tried transferring his money from the blocked card onto his other one.. the machine then swallowed the other card saying it was unavailable! Marc literally had NO way of getting money. Thankfully he rang his dad and he's helping out pay for accommodation and is somehow getting money to my parents to transfer into my account to give to Marc, but what a load of hassle! Poor Marc! We're still waiting on our Oz accounts and he can't get his other cards sent to him for a while because of shipping and apparently there's still a damn postal strike on. Stressssss! But it's all sorted now thank god. He was full on worrying and I don't blame him. It really is a good job me and Zoe are here to help him out otherwise he'd literally be screwed and have no way of getting money at all. Finally crashed out in bed after all that drama.. sleepytime!

Kisses x


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