Packing - the final frontier

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January 7th 2008
Published: January 7th 2008
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Hi guys,
Well this is my first blog entry - and probably the most panic stricken you'll receive over the next two and ahalf months!It's the eve before heading off and I sit amongst all of my potential things to take with me (resembling a war zone of strewn clothing, bits of paper and passports, bikini's, snow shoes, thermals, summer kaftans) and I ponder a few of life's deep and unanswered queries...things like
how can you make thermal clothing look attractive (and I've tried it all, scarves, dangly earrings, big bangles...and NOTHING helps!"
Why is it that snow shoes are soooo damn expensive yet soooo damn unattractive"
Can you take stillhettos in your carry on luggage for post aeroplane arrival outfit - or are they considered lethal weapons and a terrorist threat?
Why don't I have any nice jeans to wear?
And people, this is only as I delve into the first level of the wardrobe -
I can't wait to find ot what sort of spiritual queries I find myself stumbling upon later will most likely be things like
Why am I leaving it so late to try and find my ipod? and where have all of my socks gone?
Wal seems to have it all under control - his concerns are much more about whether or not to take 4 boards or 6 boards and would it be too much to take his skis as well? Ah, men have it so good and depressingly seem to look fine in thermal gear...totally unfair!!
I had an interesting text from Mum on Monday morning asking me what I was going to do about my flights...Qantas who we fly to Hawaii with have an engineers strike tomorrow and although our travel agent assures me all will be well there is a feeling of unease about the whole thing - like surely if there aren't any engineers we shouldn't be flying???!!!! But I jest as I'm sure all will be well - and how could it not be - even if we're delayed they have bars and shops at the airport!
So guys, it's been a blast catching up over the last few weeks, sharing the travel itinerary and receiving so many well wishes. I hope to be able to shed some light on some of the profound queries listed above and to share some of the adventure's we have. First stop Hawaii for ten days so Aloha! and stay tuned....

Georgie and Wal (the Duckwals)


9th January 2008

If you have enough warming drinks on the slopes, you won't care what you look like in thermals. :) When you get out in -20 degrees, everybody looks like the Michelin Man! Have fun!
9th January 2008

Best wishes
So todays the day you fly the big white bird. The coastal run just wont be the same without you Georgie. I just want to thank you Wal, on behalf of anyone who surfs Tama and Bondi for taking 3 months off. Everyones wave quotas are sure to triple in your absence. I hope you get some brilliant surfs in Hawaii and Chile and come home completely exhausted and surfed out. That would be a win win situation. Back to you Georgie. I agree with the stilhettos/thermals look so long as the leggings are black and you have a stunning belt to pull it all together. Note that style and warmth are not necessarily complimentary so one may have to be sacrificed for the other. Yes, it is a cruel cruel world. Bon Vogage Can't wait to hear about life beyond our shores.

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