Things we didn' know until we moved to Australia

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Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Manly
September 30th 2007
Published: September 30th 2007
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* Look to the right before crossing the street (they drive on the other side of the road)

* Regardless of a hectic schedule, you can catch the Simpson's or Family Guy 24 hrs a day (they assume that all Americans are like Homer or Stewey)

*Shoes are overrated (you can't feel the sand in cute strappy sandals)

*You don't need a reason to sit in the park and drink beer all day (turns out bums in the US are on to something)

*ALWAYS wear sunscreen (that song was right)

*How are you going = how are you doing

*It's commonplace to have more than one "mate"

*The sun makes a perfectly fine alarm clock (it is a bit early, but that makes for more time to play)

*A crescent moon appears as the top portion rather than sideways (i guess b/c we're upside down and on the other side of the globe)

*Eating a tube of cookie dough for dinner is not considered normal (in fact, most stores don't even sell it!--- they see the product as a sign of our stereotypical laziness)

*If a word is more than 2 syllables, drop the rest and add a -y or -o (barbeque = barbies, sunglasses = sunnies, bottleshop = bottleo)

*Tomato sauce (ketchup) is worth it's weight in gold - and sold for as much!

*There's no need to rush in to oncoming traffic- just wait for the cross walk sign (it gives you more time to enjoy the scenery)

*We took for granted how lucky we are with the plethera of live music in the States

*The phrase "dance as though no one is looking" appears to have taken hold of the Australian dance scene (new definition to white man can't dance, but they aren't letting the night pass them by along the walls of the dance floor)

*Helmets, pads, and timeouts take away from the true sport (American football has nothing on rugby, but they're nowhere near as hot as Tom Brady)

*No matter where in the world our travels will take us, family is only a call away (only a matter of time until you can transmit hugs via the internet!)


4th October 2007

It sounds like you are having fun !!!! ...and people around you do speak your language!!! Alex and Vlad

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