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October 23rd 2006
Published: October 23rd 2006
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Oct 20. Coolangatta classic. Early morning sunrise river. Headland 180 degree water view, fine, strong breeze. In town email. $5 pub lunch. Bloke got a sticker and gave me the voucher. Drove Mullumbimby (in the song). Had always wanted to be there. Stickers went ballistic!!!!!! Reporter came up with notebook and camera. Uberhippy scene. Two women said they'd only fly world flag, etc. I gave gaia a mention. Mullumbimby was like Maleny on steroids. I was almost mobbed. Beautiful girls and women were gushing. I felt the rush of fame. Later parked country road. Flew flag. Woman came and got sticker. In town more exotic types. Woman with goatee. Someone starry-eyed strumming guitar. Pastels and long hair everywhere. Seemed like the 70s.
Oct 21. Morning Mullumbimby. Market day. Again stallholders keen. Drove Byron for 1600 more stickers in mail. And Ballina for cousin Jim's 21st. Went with Nettie to Byron for coffee. Received email from bloke I'd spoken to in Burleigh. He is getting the philosophers club to organise to hear me talk. Lodgings offered!
Oct 22. Stamped stickers early. Had only 50 left from previous printing. Spruiked Bangalow market. Did every stallholder. Four hours. Good result. Threatened showers, beautiful but. Later 21st dinner talked to cousin Gabby. She said the flag is flying on the main street of Singleton. I remember the bloke. It was at least four years ago, even before the dots.


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