Byron Bay - From 1 disaster zone to another

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May 28th 2009
Published: May 28th 2009
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So, the bus to Byron Bay!! Intresting to say the least! We got the bus at 3.30 in the afternoon, and arrived at 6.30! It was glorious sunshine as we left Brisbane, but that soon changed! From 5pm it turned pitch black and a storm hit big time! The rain was coming down hard, the driver had trouble controlling the coach due to the winds, and was constantly dodging huge fallen trees. The roads were dark as the power was out in pretty much every town, all the way to Byron! When we did arrive, it was like a ghost town! Pitch black, virtually everywhere was shutdown, and the places that were open were operating on candlelight!

However, we did manage to find a cracking place to stay, the best place so far in Aus, apart from the apartment in Cairns! It was basically a big house, with 5 bedrooms, kitchen, lounge & MASSIVE veranda! Really good bunch of people too! As it was stormy, and we had no food to cook, and nowhere really open, we grabbed a pizza, and everyone stayed in the first night, apart from 2 crazy dutch guys who braved the storm! 1 forgot his key and was locked out till 9am in the lovely weather!!

Byron is a cool place, and the next day the weather was superb. Walked up & down the beach and watched the surfers for a while. Cooked some food that night, and everyone decided to make a big night of it! We stocked up at the bottle shop, and got a tad merry before heading out! I also, accidentally invented a Jaeger-Bomb glass! We didn't have shot glasses, so had to improvise, with egg cups! Anyway, i dropped the egg cup in the glass, and it became wedged, creating a superb ready made jeager-bomb glass! You'll see on the pic. Some people will have no idea what i'm on about, but others will. It could be worth a fortune!

We headed out, stormy again to the local club. The music was shocking, but there was enough of us to make it a good laugh. No one really remembers much, altho i do recollect waiting 30 mins in the early hours for the worlds smallest pizza, seriously, the size of a saucer, not amused!

It was due to stay stormy, so before we went out, we booked 2 cheap flights down to Sydney for the next day, try to get out of the disaster zones, and get some decent weather. Just waiting for the flight now......and its stormy.....again!

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