Beach, Sun, and a Bit of warmth.

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Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Byron Bay
June 15th 2007
Published: August 6th 2007
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Well I have made my way a little farther up North. It is much more exciting here than Port Mac was. After a little walk around the town, I discovered that Port Mac really wasn't the best place for me to be. It was small and not very exciting. Much more of a little fishing town than a neat travel stop. Anyway, I booked onto a bus for later that afternoon and now I have made my way up to Byron Bay.

Byron Bay is a nice coastal town. It's small and relaxed, and has an alright nightlife. Supposedly I am here at down season and during the Aussie summer, the nights really go off! On the way up I met some interesting people on the bus, and we're going to travel together up to Brisbane I think, so it should be interesting having a few people to tag on with for a bit!

I was thinking of learning how to surf today, but I decided against it, and instead took a looongggg hikee (it was on a path, but this path had a billion and a few stairs let me tell you!) and it was hot!! Especially since
Beach Hike2
it was around lunch time.. It felt nice having the sun on my skin though, so I was actually happy for the heat, despite the hike.

We made our way along the beach and up to the most easterly point on the australian Mainland, and then up to the lighthouse. It had some amazingly beautiful views and the water looked fantastic. I could have jumped right in, but I decided that without a bathinsuit it might not be such a great idea.

Tommorrow I'm leaving for Surfers Paradise.. which is only an hour away, but should be a nice stop, I've been told both good and bad things about it.. I'm thinking of attempting to learn surfiing there.. I mean.. it sounds like the right place to do it! hahaha.. we'll see what happens I suppose..

Apart from that I don't have much to report! Its really nice up here, and I can't wait to get even farther north to the warmer weather. Cairns here I come!!!

Speak soon!


15th June 2007

Hey surfin' lady!
Hi Love, I am glad that you are getting some sun. We're still fighting the cold here. Sounds like you have been visiting some interesting places. I am glad that you have found some new friends to see things with. Hope you have fun learning how to surf. Take care of yourself, now. Love you, Mum
18th June 2007

Aha, sounds like you're having a good time! Hopefully you get to try out surfing...! Seems like it would be fun :)

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