Are we there yet?

Published: March 27th 2008
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Welcome to our Blog. I know, I know, a blog is soooo 2005 but we needed to catch up at some point. Plus we can store our photos on here and it will prevent us from sending you boring emails crapping on about how nice this place is and how we wish you were here blah blah...

Instead, it will all be here when you need it...visit as often or as little as you please. I do recommend you stop in a few times to suss it out though, otherwise we'll be converting our photos into a six hour powerpoint presentation and you will be thrown in the boot of a Renault, delivered to an isolated warehouse and forced to watch the whole thing on a 18 foot projector screen without a toilet break. And we will supplement it with countless long-winded stories about people you never met and activities which, whilst fascinating to do, are horrifically boring to hear about.

So for your own sake stick with this, the short and snappy version, where we're either way too boozy or enjoying ourselves too much to want to sit in front of a computer for more than five minutes. It really is for your own good.

Anyway, since we are still a few days from leaving I won't write anymore, but stay tuned for more news from our efforts to take down SE Asia one country at a time!


28th March 2008

Go for it!
Saw your first blog entry. Wish you all the best on your travels. Post pics for the rest of us sitting in our cubicles at work.
2nd April 2008

Are you there yet?
What are you doing? Swimming? Eating? Shopping?? I am not doing anything, just working out some rec leave... ok, I hope you guys are doing well, talk soon, Greg

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