North America
March 17th 2015
Published: March 18th 2015
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When I was four years old, my family, by then just my dad, mom, sister and me, traveled to Acapulco because of my uncle's wedding. When I first stepped out of our car, the warm summer breeze hit my nostrils. I felt different, because I'd never been in a beach before. It was a totally new sensation for a little girl like me.

I can't remember quite a lot about this experience, but I do know, I loved it. I spent most of the time swimming with the help of my armbands and relatives. I loved the sea. The sand, the whitest I'd ever seen, was wrapping my little toes, while my dad was next to me, carrying my baby sister who refused to touch the sand. When she finally did, she loved it, but then the ocean came closer and she scared again.

This was one of my favorite experiences; because it was the first time I went to the coast and actually interacted with salt water. It was something unforgettable.

My little sister, Stephanie, was an important factor to this trip. She must not remember it, because she was only two when this occurred. She was fearful of almost everything, like the seafood, the sand, the waves breaking through the coast, and the pool in the hotel.

Her first encounter with a pool wasn’t quite nice. She didn’t want to let go from my Dad, even though he tried like five times to explain her she wouldn’t sink because of her armbands. She refused to let go so my dad just released and she screamed for a second, then she realized she wasn’t sinking and calmed down. It was a really funny scene to watch.

Then, another problem was the sand. She said it stung her feet, and didn’t want to be there, then after half an hour, she got used to the new sensation and loved the sand. I really enjoyed these kind of scenes because of Stephy’s reactions, all the gests and faces she made whenever she relaxed after a while. It was such a remarkable event full of fun and naïve memories.


A cousin of mine’s XV birthday party at her ranch in Atlixco was amazing. At first, the ranch scent that was inhaled by my nostrils was unbelievably familiar, I even felt kind of homesick. The ranch was amazingly vast, were some sort of pink flowers that covered most of the terrains. There were also plenty of her dogs everywhere, running wild, chasing their tails, or sleeping on the sidewalks.

I met a lot of long lost relatives of mine I’ve never seen before, who only spoke “Venetto” (a dialect spoken in Chipilo which is a mix of Spanish, Italian and French), and had to speak that same language too, even though just know a little.


I was very excited because that was the first time I visited Six Flags. At first, I went to the Superman Roller Coaster. I didn’t know how it was, I only saw a giant announcement with the words “Roller Coaster” and I lined up. It was the best and worst sensation I’d ever felt. I felt my cheeks touching my ears because of the speed. Everything was really fast, but I felt it like hours, I only wanted that feeling to go away and my stomach to get back to its original place (let’s say the throat isn’t the best site for a stomach), but when I went down, all I wanted was to go into that wagon again.


My Nona’s birthday, we went to Atlixco with my cousins and uncles. I was really excited because we were going to a totally new restaurant. At first, the smell of delicious food and kids soaking with sweat was totally noticeable. The playground was enormous and the kids were running all around like cats chasing mice. There were sandboxes and real-sized-castles where you could get inside.

I met a really handsome boy who was kind of like my first crush. Unfortunately I never saw him again. I felt, somehow, free to run wherever I pleased, because the playground was placed as if it were a town for kids, so we all felt as if we were adults. It was a really exciting experience.

That same day, my little sister got buried under a lot of sand. She couldn’t even move. She felt really panicked after a while, so we “released” her. We all ate food we’d never tasted before. For example, my little brother had never tasted shrimp cocktail, and that was the first time after so many years I ate a hamburger at a restaurant because I only trust my mom’s.

I felt really excited because after this visit, I was going to my cousin’s house to sleep, so I barely paid attention to anything that happened there (well, except the handsome boy I had a crush on, well, I was only 11).


There was a gigantic terrain with all the existing colors. I was really happy to see my little siblings climbing inside and out of that life-sized-whale, and then forcing me to join them. I felt like 10-years-old again.

We visited all of the playground climbed on top of each of them. I hit my head more than twice in each of them, trust me, they don’t lie when they put the signs of “No kids taller than 1.30m allowed”, but after all, I really enjoyed this different experience. I felt a kid again.

After we finished playing, we went to an enormous white bridge that took you to a mini golf field and two great lakes crowded with ducks, geese and little goslings. I really enjoyed watching the little goslings following their mother, doing exactly the same thing she was doing. I remembered how my mother always tells us to walk right next to her, not behind, because she doesn’t see us. I loved feeding the goslings too, with little pieces of bread and cookies. It reminded me of when I was little, when we went to the “UDLA” and we also saw little ducklings following us everywhere because we brought food. An experience beyond human words.


When we first heard about a new park in Puebla, full with fun, caves, and tons of things I’d never heard before, we immediately planned to go. When we first step on the damp grass an exciting and unknown sensation of peace invaded my soul. My first instinct was to run all around as wildly as I could, but of course, my mom scolded me. We climbed and ran everywhere. I even got lost inside a cave. I felt as if I were in some woods or in a foreign forest.


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