North America
September 9th 2011
Published: September 9th 2011
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1. The author of the article states that the audience that Jay-Z had at the time was the main reason why the album sold so well during the week of 9/11.
2.Sadly I would have to agree with the author says about young people and tragedies. I agree with the author because young people aren't always aware of what is going on around the world their just worried about themselves. I also agree with him because not many young people watch the news they just listen to gossip in the entertainment world.
3.I do believe that the young people of 9/11 should start reflecting on the attacks because they changed the way that we live our life's now. I also believe they should start to reflect on the event because because this was a major event in history in which many innocent people died.
4.Most of the young people do not remember anything because they havent learned much about the attacks. All that they know is that two planes crashed into the towers,
but do not know why and how.
5.Some say that the Americans have helped a lot since they came into their country while others say that the Americans have brought more violence to their country,
6. I would have to say that I have never put thought to how other countries perceive the United Sates. After reading this article it makes me think about how we the Americans are viewed by other countries. Personally after reading this article it makes me want to learn more about history and get a view of both sides of a historical event.


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