Burlington - Port Kent - Wilmington - Lake Placid - Tupper Lake (125km) (Total 6177km)

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September 7th 2013
Published: September 8th 2013
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Esta noche me ha visitado un bicho que por lo menos era una ardilla. Se ha intentado llevarla bolsa de basura del avance de la tienda. Para evitarme mayores problemas he tirado la basura y he colgado la alforja de la comida de un arbol, y a dormir. He pillado el ferry de la mañana y he cruzado al otro lado. De ahi he tenido 70 km mayormente de cuesta arriba suavecita, aunque a ratos habia que trabajar un poco. He pasado por la zona de esqui de Lake Placid y junto a la montaña de Whiteface. Muy bonito esto, en plan alpino, han hecho incluso un par de juegos olimpicos de invierno. El parque este se llama Adirondack. Desde Lake Placid todo colinas de un lago a otro, en general bajando poco a poco.


Tonight I was visited by a bug that at least it was a squirrel. It attempted to grab the garbage bag out of the tent. To spare bigger problems I've thrown away the garbage and hung the food bag in a tree, and sleep. I caught the ferry in the morning and have crossed over. From there I had 70 km mostly softly uphill, but at times it was harder. I've gone through the ski area of Lake Placid and close to the Whiteface Mountain. Very nice here in Alpine place, they have got even a couple of Winter Olympics. This is called the Adirondack Park. From Lake Placid hills from lake to lake, but usually a little longer down than uphill.

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8th September 2013

You take fantastic pictures! I don't believe I've ever seen the Adirondacks looking as spectacular. Stay warm tonight as the forecast is calling for frost here. -Reed
10th September 2013

Hi Reed That was a nice day, this Whiteface Mountain is a interesting place, it looks like the alps, maybe is something for some weekend excursion, you can go testing gear. Actually it was no so cold, it was over 0 Celsius, maybe arround 5 or something less, waking up in the morning was hard, but sleeping was good.

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