RIHLA 17: Banned Books

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February 10th 2013
Published: February 11th 2013
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1. Some of the reasons that books are banned in schools come from people's objections towards books that may contain sex, profanity, and racism.

2. I somewhat agree with the idea. I understand that a book like Fifty Shades of Grey shouldn't be in a building full of five year olds; however, as children get older, I feel their minds or more developed to try and comprehend the meaning and actual reason why the author had put the specific plots or traits in the story.

3. Children and teachers should be able to decide the books taught in school. It creates a broad perspective of things because when most people think about things for children, they don't think about how the children would react towards the idea or how well it would be accepted.

4. To fight book censorship, an individual could join anti-book banning groups, white letters, and voice their opinion to the public. There could also be participation in Banned Books Week; a week that features author visits and readings from banned books.


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