Prepared? Ahahaha

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August 18th 2009
Published: August 18th 2009
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This post is mainly to test out the blog to be sure I know how it works, but on the topic of being prepared, if someone were to ask me what preparations have I gone through for this trip, I'd just have to laugh at them. Its a little scary, to be honest, as to how little we've actually done to get ready for this trip. I mean, we've got our money and our passports and the rail pass, but we have no actual plan once we get to Japan.

Which brings me to a slight (large) miscalculation that we have somehow overlooked. While reviewing the flight times and exact trip dates, it seems that we will be leaving the 20th of August and coming back on the 13th of September. Our rail pass is good for 21 days. I don't know if I'm just terrible at math, or we just never figured this out, but the 20th to the 13th is 24 days.

So, while I really didn't want to do any planning for the trip (I had hoped we'd just hop on the train and get off where ever we felt like and have our "adventure" for the day) this situation has forced me to come up with at least some sort of plan. As I am typing this now, I'm not sure how to swing this. I think I remember something about the rail pass being good for 21 days from the day you activate it, not from your trip date, but that would be one hell of a mistake to make if we could only redeem the pass on the day you enter Japan. However, if it is true that its 21 days from the day you activate it, perhaps we could get away with staying in Tokyo the first couple of days and buying single rail tickets.

If not, I guess we'll be spending our last 3 days in Tokyo.


20th August 2009

Just wanted to "pop in" to tell you that I hope you and Sean have a wonderful adventure together. I will be thinking about you (and worrying, of course!) and hoping you are having an amazing trip! I love you both so very much--return safely home with lots of stories,!
20th August 2009

Wish i was there!
Damn guys, the more i read this (while listening to some bangin 'Rope' tunes) the more i wish i was joining you on your excursion :-D anyhoo, will follow this adventure avidly via the net, and will e-mail soon. Im hoping that the sleeping arrangements in your 'internet cafes' are succesful, good luck!
22nd August 2009

Just checking in
Hi Guys Was so excited to open the blog and see words. We are thinking of you both while you do your travels and are so excited to be able to share your adventure from afar. Stay Safe Love and Hugs Tom and Maryann

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