Halfway Done!

Published: May 29th 2009
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We made it to Chamberlain, SD tonight. The bad news? We're 3 hours short of our goal for the day. The good news? We made the smart decision NOT to stay in Sioux Falls, play at a carnival and drink tons of beer at Ladies/Karaoke Night at a bar called Rookies with the employees of the Granite City Brewery. We think it was a good call.

We'll need all the sleep we can get, as we have a very ambitious schedule for tomorrow. We are hoping to see Wall Drug (some sort of large drug store that boasts of 5 cent coffee, western wear, and more,) Mt Rushmore, the Crazy Horse Memorial, and Deadwood...all before driving an additional 9 hours to Missoula, Montana.

Today's state summaries:
- Minnesota: We were sad to leave, although Freddie was relieved to escape the endless uphill climb.
-Iowa: We feel like we got to know the earth in Iowa.....it's muddy.
-South Dakota: Awesome billboards. DISGUSTING amount of bugs. Perhaps tomorrow will tell us more.

- Our views of the many wind farms:
- Diana: I love Minnesota, they harness the wind.
- Sarah: There's something cylonic about them.
- "This feels so wrong to be driving on this Iowa gravel road listening to Beyonce's Single Ladies. But I'm gonna. And I'm gonna dance." -Diana
- On the way to Buddy Holly:
- Diana: I feel like we're Laura Ingalls Wilder
- Sarah: quizzical look
- Diana: Well there's a stream over there and that makes me feel Laura Ingalls Wilder-esque!
- About Diana's upcoming hair appointment:
- Diana: Ohhh, your mom never met old Diana. What if she would have liked her better?
- Sarah: Nobody liked old Diana.
- Diana: You realize I STILL AM old Diana at this point right?
- "Do you realize that our country isn't even old enough to have bow slips?!?!" -Diana (asked repeatedly)
- Successful dispute resolution in Iowa. It wasn't really a dispute, but it's good to know we have the skills.
- "Hey you know what's nice about not taking a lot of pictures with us in them? Nobody will know we're wearing the same clothes everyday!" -Diana
- South Dakota Billboard: There are many ways to Hell, and only one way to Heaven.
- "Sarah is an expert in signs and expensive boys" -Diana (well, not what Diana said...but what Sarah heard)
- "I'm seeing everything through red haired colored glasses" -Diana
- New interesting fact about Diana: She thinks in terms of puzzles. Like when she sees certain things she comments on whether it would make a good puzzle and why (ie "That farm would make a good puzzle because it has 2 silos, you wouldn't know which piece goes where)
- "I miss Weiss and his hatred of this song" -Diana (re: Country Roads by John Denver)
- There are officially more bugs in South Dakota than in any other state EVER!!!! EW.


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