Badlands National Park: In Which the Author Gets Good in Badland

Published: July 30th 2009
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Day 3: Monday, July 27, 2009 Badlands National Park Okay…here we go, got some Badlands action going on…I arrived at the park around 3 p.m. As my computer was dead, I was anxious to “splurge” on an electric site so that I could keep up with the ‘ol blog (I don’t want to feel anxious to post…so if I miss some days, it’s because I have no access to electricity). At the gate, I... Read Full Entry

Photos are below
Photos: 39, Displayed: 21


Bandlands National ParkBandlands National Park
Bandlands National Park

Sage Creek Road campground
Bandlands National ParkBandlands National Park
Bandlands National Park

Sophie enjoying the wild
Bandlands National ParkBandlands National Park
Bandlands National Park

Sophie's primal rubbing
Bandlands National ParkBandlands National Park
Bandlands National Park

In the valley floor
Bandlands National ParkBandlands National Park
Bandlands National Park

Tree (yeah, we know...)
Bandlands National ParkBandlands National Park
Bandlands National Park

Dinner: Corn, black beans, peanuts and rice.
Dave socializingDave socializing
Dave socializing

You can see how dark it is there...
Prairie DogPrairie Dog
Prairie Dog

Sophie performed her prairie dog trick in front of actual prairie dogs
Bandlands National ParkBandlands National Park
Bandlands National Park

Buffalo in rear-view mirror
Bandlands National ParkBandlands National Park
Bandlands National Park

Sophie and buffalo
Bandlands National ParkBandlands National Park
Bandlands National Park

Leaving badlands
Bandlands National ParkBandlands National Park
Bandlands National Park

No natural enemies...

31st July 2009

Buffalo dropping into the valley
Doesn't it get messy with all of the buffalo dropping off the ridges into the valley? Sounds gory.

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