Update four: Philly and DC

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January 15th 2013
Published: January 19th 2013
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Hi everyone!

Time to tell you about philidelphia, which nearly didn't happen. On leaving New Orleans, the woman at the hostel desk decided she didn't need to call us a taxi until an hour before our flight and appeared to have a little referral deal going with her fellow Bosnian taxi driver. The lines at the airport were the longest we'd had all trip (trust- no one in New Orleans appears to be in any rush), but this also luckily continues to the boarding process and we made it with time to spare.

Once in Philly we lived it up, staying at the downtown Sheraton hotel there. Being the exercise freaks we are, treating our bodies like a temple, we started our first day with a gym sesh, and Vanessa even got in the indoor pool. After that very strenuous workout, we needed to refuel and managed to find a really great Asian restaurant in nearby Chinatown, Sakura. It was so good we went back there again. For those in Wollongong, it was like chefs choice but with sushi and actually really tasty. The rest of the day we spent shopping and sightseeing, namely visiting the liberty bell and a 3hr Macy's shop (It was massive). Where Claire left Bec and Vanessa at the store while they were waiting for her to finish shopping unaware she had already left....a text never hurt claire!

We were a bit overwhelmed by the patriotism regarding the liberty bell, which was kind of enough to last us the trip. We found out the bell is actually a very famous symbol around the world, inspiring people globally to the ideals of equality and freedom. Who knew? We do now.

Most of the rest of our time in Philly was spent enjoying Pennsylvania's zero clothing tax. Vanessa and Claire managed to halt the shopping spree long enough to see some medical abnormalities, random parts of peoples bodies, more dead foetuses than you could poke a stick at, and the second tallest skeleton on display in the world at the Mutter museum.

After 3 nights in luxury at Philly, we moved on to Washington where we were met by Bec's lovely Aunt Paula (aka Queen Paula), who had organised her time in Washington to coincide with our trip (We thank her VERY much for this). We got to the hostel which appeared quite fresh and newish. However, one of the staff was a bit of a creep and an alcoholic, even offering shots at 2 o'clock in the afternoon and waiting up for us til we got home that night. Not to worry, everyone else was lovely and it made for a memorable stay. We went out with Paula and her colleague for some delicious Japanese and then they took us to a local D.C. Sports bar Clydes in Chinatown (least Chinese Chinatown you'll ever see) where we drank until close with their very welcoming local group of friends, Chris, Molly, Christian, and Simone. We had an amazing night and it really made our Washington stay. Claire also had some delicious fried chicken there.

The next day we took ourselves off and got into tourist mode, visiting the mall (which has zero shopping but a shitload of museums). We made our way to the Jewish holocaust museum which was incredibly interesting, extensive, and harrowing. After nearly three hours there, we still could have stayed longer but instead it was time to go and see the Whitehouse where we also met Paula. Getting to the the Whitehouse was interesting. Seems simple, but there is a cream building right next to it which Claire maintains on the map appears to be in the identical location to the Whitehouse. This is not the Whitehouse, this is the treasury. The Whitehouse is actually to the left, is white white and much more gated. That was one of Claire's many map reading misadventures (Yet she still won't give up the role). Never one to pass up a photo opp we took plenty of photos there maybe even some at the treasury before we realised. We then wound down the day with some cocktails and cheese at a local french bar.

The next day, Bec did some shopping whilst Claire and Vanessa zipped around town like the coolest kids ever on a fully sick Segway tour. After that excitement we all got together for a tapas feast as a goodbye lunch for Becky as she takes a short trip to the motherland with her aunty and Claire and Vanessa continue to Atlantic City.

Stay tuned for the next up date who knows we may be rich from all the gambling we do in Atlantic City!


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