Cutting the cord

Published: July 20th 2007
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day 1

hershey to vermilion

day 1 It was finally time to "put up or shut up." I think people were wondering if we were just going to cruise around New England and hook up our RV to friends and families houses and only "ponder" hitting the road. At 9:45 am July 20 we detached from my parents house in Hershey PA, and started our trek to the west.
Our first stop was Vermilion Ohio. The park we pulled into was billed as an RV Park and Marina. Really nice shaded spots along a river complete with individual boat docks. We quickly met one of the summer residents Pete who exclaimed the place to be the Walleye capital of the world. He noticed the Vermont license plates and sputtered "You must be a fisherman if you're from Vermont byjeezum. Seems Pete had spent several years in Vermont and was quite the Verlinguist. He asked about where we were heading to and asked if I wanted to get on his boat and go bag some walleyes. We were also treated to a synopsis of his heroics in the fishing derby of last weekend where he and his crew won the whole thing by some margin. I told Pete we were leaving the next morning and regrettably wouldn't be able to join him.
I went to find the park owner, a nice woman from California, and ask how far away town was. She said it was only a mile and if we hurried we could probably catch the sunset. I asked her if it was a real town. She looked at me oddly and said that it was in fact a real town. (I only asked because the drive to the park hadn't taken us through the most scenic of areas) We got on the Vespa and headed into town. As we crested the hill heading towards town my eyes were met with lots of masts from sailboats. It was an incredible little town with beautiful little houses along a canal that each had a boat tied to a dock at the edge of their yards. The canal lead directly to Lake Erie.
We rode into the center of town and headed to the town beach. Many other folks were starting to gather for the sunset. It did not disappoint. We realized it had been some time since we had seen a true sunset...the sun sinking into the water like a flaming ship
Next morning we rode our bikes back into town to poke around a little more. It really is a delightful little town. I saw the woman who owns the park and we talked for a while. Her parents had owned it since the 50's. Her mother had recently passed away so she was travelling back and forth from the west coast to run the place. She said "I heard you met Pete." I told her he had invited me out to do some fishing. She said "you know he really is the sensei of walleye." He is pretty famous on this lake. The other boats all tag along behind him when he goes out." I decided that I would go find Pete and see if he was going to be there in the fall when we came back through.
He was about 8 sites down eating breakfast with a couple. He waved as I walked by with Honey and said "C'mon over byjeezum." The lady said "what kind of talk is that Pete?" "That's Vermont talk" Pete said back to her. "That's my friend from Vermont." She said "Oh we heard all about you." I couldn't imagine what all she had heard seeing as Pete and I had spent all of 15 minutes together. Their names were Mike and Cinderella. Yes, Cinderella. I know this because she gave me her phone number and Pete's phone number on a cancelled check that had her and Mike's name printed on the front. After about 20 minutes of shooting the breeze it was determined and agreed by all that we would return on our way back to go fishing with Pete and Mike, and to have a fish fry dinner cooked by Cinderella herself!

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