Negative effects of advertisements

Published: April 7th 2006
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Yesterday I had to go visit a hospital in Philadelphia for one of my classes. They had a special unit just for eating disorders in teenagers and when one of the workers was talking to us and giving us a tour she was saying how they were going to open an eating disorder unit just for children. She was saying that problems with eating are now occuring in young children more and more frequently. It is so sad that this happens and I attribute it mainly to the advertisements and images portrayed by models and actors. Everyone strives to be just as thin as famous people because they relate that to having a better life. It is really unfortunate that this occurs because obviously these people are not healthy themselves and just because they are famous does not mean that they are happy. The media has a large influence on this topic because they are the ones who show all of these extremely thin people. It is a shame that the advertisement and media industry has such a tremendous ability to influence people, especially young children.


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