Everyone wants to be tan!

Published: March 1st 2006
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The huge rage today is going tanning! Personally, I love it. It's relaxing, it gets me away from school for a little while, and it keeps me tan in the winter when Im so pasty white. I look at pictures from the summer and all I can think is, "I wish I were that tan again." Im sure this happens with a lot of people. Some people like being tan year-round while others tan to prepare for a vacation they are going on. For example, now I know a lot of people, guys and girls who have been going tanning to get ready for spring break. Tanning has developed into a gigantic industry. There are commercials on TV all the time and I constantly get flyers from different tanning places for specials that are having. First they get you to buy a package of tans to get you and your friends to keep coming back. Then they tell you your tan will be more intense and last longer if you buy a tanning lotion. Golden Images, the place I like to go to, tells you that if you recomend people to go there, they will give you a free tan. From Villanova, you can drive for not even 10 minutes down Lancaster Avenue and there are at least 3 tanning places I know of. Villanova illustrates just how popular tanning has become.


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