Ready to go, again!!

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March 16th 2011
Published: March 17th 2011
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No pictures yet! We are home from Jekyll Is. since Monday mid-afternoon, and have been busy since we got out of the pickup! Bless my dear husband...he worked as hard as I did, unloading the trailer, washing clothes, errands and packing suitcases. In fact...he actually carried 99% of the clothes and food into the house, 100% of the clothes folding. I must admit...if it had only been me, we'd not been ready to get in the van at 5:00 tonight!

The best part of the short time at home was getting some boy-hugs from the grandsons. The youngest, at 4 1/2 is the BEST hugger, except for the next oldest, who is also a superior hugger. The oldest is also a good hugger, but the interest in hugging Grandma is in inverse ratio to the age. The technique is wonderful...just not practiced as often....ha, ha.

The second-best thing about the two days at home was having supper last night with our little church family. Loren & Diane graciously opened their home and planned the meal and everyone brought something. The food was delish, and the fellowship warm. Hopefully it will sustain us until we return home.....Thanks, everyone!!

So...........tonight at the hotel close to the airport so we can leave the car here and shuttle to the airport early in the am. Our flight isn't until 6:08, but with the shuttle only every 1/2 hr, and wanting to be at the airport 1 1/2 hr. ahead, that makes us ready at 4 am. Of course, if we'd been coming from home, we'd have had to leave much earlier and have to be finding some long-term parking before getting to the airport. We'll arrive in NY about 8, claim our luggage, and have until 2:30 to shuttle to the JFK to meet the rest of the tour group. Delta flight goes out, hopefully, at 5:40, for a 10 hr. ride to Istanbul. Can't believe we leave in the morning...seems like we've been planning this for a long time!!


18th March 2011

Thanks for reporting in! Trust your travels will get you there safely! God be with you till we meet again. Love Mark & Kris
18th March 2011

Have a great trip
Just happened to check your blog. Knew time was close but didn't realize time was NOW!! Be safe and our PRAYERS will go with you.

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